
If Obama were to somehow be elected, would some states move toward secession from the union?

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If Obama were to somehow be elected, would some states move toward secession from the union?




  1. No, but if he isn't you can bet the deranged BDS libs will promise to leave, but unfortunately never do it.

  2. After Obama taxes them they wont even be able to afford to move

  3. No.  

  4. After Obama taxes everyone everyone will be poor and will have to turn to the liberal ways because we will become very poor and not be able to afford food for our 1 child family.

  5. Only Alaska apparently

  6. you mean like alaska???  

  7. No because this is 2008, not 1860.

  8. No, that would not happen unless the economy collapsed, and martial law was declared.  And it would take several natural disasters, and a revert to tribalism.                  

  9. I suggest Alaska leave the Union. That way Todd Palin will get his wish and Sarah can become President of Alaska and leave us all alone.

    The IQ of the USA would go up in bounds when this happens.

  10. Try not do deal with fantasy, i.e. Obama actually being elected.

  11. It's sad to even think about him being the President. What are people thinking? He could easily destroy this country.

  12. Doubt it, are you that racist?

  13. Yes. Start with Virginia, Texas, Arizona, Alaska, Nevada, Northern Florida, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Delaware, and Puerto Rico.

  14. Yes

  15. No. That's just plain stupid.

  16. u hope they do, than we can finally see sum action in this boring *** country

  17. If she tries to ban books and pushes her nutty religious agenda on me I will leave the US

  18. I would actually vote for that. Absolutely. Then I might be able to afford to live and not be forced to support a dozen malcontents. Seriously, I would vote for secession. I spent 8 years defending the America I believe in, not endless taxation, killing babies and selling out to terrorists.

  19. Haven't you notice how Repubs like victimize themselves – GOD must testing them.

    They don't mind bailing out big corporations with your tax dollars if it saves their meager interests? Wealthy CEO's excepting FEDERAL MONEY is okay if it keeps the"Trickles Down Theory" lie alive because working-class Repubs need to believe that their untainded self-righteous hands are free from the stench of federal funding. It's the only way that the illusion of conservative ideals can survive.

    But let's not call it what it is: communism, socialism or WELFARE!

    It might destroy the Republicans' frail sanity to face reality.

  20. No, we survived the worst President in history Jimmy Carter, we might be able to survive Obama, but we would need someone like Reagan to build our country back again.

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