
If Obama wins, would this be proof that a person with African blood is capable of running a country

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it doesn't seem to be the case in Africa




  1. Wow, what a debate of skin colour!!! End of the day i  will say GOD BLESS THE WORLD and who cares god bless with which skin colour.

    All The Best to OBAMA.  

  2. I encourage you to google "Australopithecus" and then get back to us on your "African blood" idea.

  3. He couldn't be any worse than George Bush, right?!

  4. racist imbecile

  5. bud look at african civilization before european arrival.and the only reason african americans key word americans r messed is because of the introduction to crack in the 1950's look at the ancient ashanti empire of africa actually look at the world before europeans reached them the rest of the world did n most still do not function like anglo societies plus if africa ever became powerful again the world would lose its acces to natural resources n child labour for cheap on top of that Obama is not the representation of all africans and if he wins it just means that america it self is switching leaders thats it.and i do not see u as a racist africa is curupt inside n out (sorry for the long answer)

  6. No it would not be proof. A) because blood and ancestry actually count for nothing when you are leading a country. It is wisdom that counts. Also there have been many successful leaders of African descent that have led a country before. C) how does your ethnicity really matter one way or the other?

    So it's a big fat NO, it's the right policies that count.  

  7. It doesn't matter what your skin color is. It's about what society makes skin color into.  I won't go into all the reasons that obama shouldn't be president but the fact that he's black should have NO influence on anybody's opinion.

  8. Anyone is capable of running America if we vote them in....just because he wins doesn't mean he will run it good..not saying that he won't or will run it good... can't decide if people with African Blood can run countrys just by Obama winning.

  9. People with African blood, given the same educational and environmental advantages as people who do not have African blood, would produce as many talented, capable,scientists, businessmen, researchers, inventors, artists, surgeons, politicians etc as America and Europe have today.

    So yes it would be proof.

  10. How is being elected going to prove that he can RUN a country??

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