
If Obama wins and does a bad job...?

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If Obama wins and does a horrible job running the country, do you think that will set a precedent for voters to not vote again for a minority? If so, why?




  1. Obama will do a great job running the country, and you will be glad he won and not McCain.

  2. *sits back and prepares for (but but but but ANYTHING will be better than Bu$h) rants*

  3. Any president now will do a horrible job. Why do you think the good people are not running this year? Why only senators? I wouldn't take that job myself. If Obama wins, it's just tragic that the first black president is given a no-win scenario.  

  4. Okay, let's break this down:

    1.  It's "if" - this is the hope found in the question - it is NOT a given (and that is VERY good)

    2. On the outside chance that he some how manages to weasel his way into the White House, he WILL do a bad job - there is no way for him to do otherwise because his ideas are all flawed and he wants to turn the U.S. into a socialist nation.

    3. His poor performance will have nothing to do with his "minority" status, it will have everything to do with his poor ideas (see #2).

    4. Look at all the bad white Presidents we've had, that hasn't stopped us has it?

    5. In the not too distant future, the population of the U.S. will be to the point that whites are the minority.

    So, basically there are some fundamental flaws in this question.  

    We cannot afford an Obama Presidency.  If our country is to continue as the greatest nation on earth, we must elect John McCain.

  5. It would just be attributed to Republicans in the congress who refused to work with him. I think you can count on numerous real life examples of that happening if he is elected, and that's all it would take to sway any future criticism of his administration. If for some insane psycho-clown reason, all Republicans worked with Obama and it failed anyway, he could always make something up like "They said they were with me and voted with me because they had no choice, but I think we all know that their hearts were not in our plan succeeding.".  

  6. I think it might set a precedent for the future of all elections.

    I believe that anybody not like him will feel their hate and discontent.

    I believe that he will try to punish all Americans for what The British and Spanish.etc  had done  hundreds of years ago , brought Africans  to the Americas as Slaves. forgetting that a lot of the tribes chief sold their own for guns tobacco food etc..  

    With Obama clearly stating that he had learned to hate his mothers people which are white, it is showing that people really are not paying attention to what he has been saying. They are just following  on like sheep to the butcher, they want change but at what price?

    This common man is portraying him self as a god send to us,but he has not done anything to prove it  to Americans, what true change will he bring?


  7. No, we will just pretend it went well.  Like the Republicans have.

  8. No need to worry theirs no way in h**l he's getting elected

  9. lots of presidents that have gone into office have done S****y jobs on both sides of the gate but they've all been white so ppl cant really say oh were not gonna vote for another white guy(because there r no other options). whatever obama does will be watched very closely, mocked, and he'll be criticized for his decisions, just like if hillary would have won just because their outside the norm for this position. i would hope that ppl don't base how well someone will do their job by their race or s*x but i guess we'll see....    

  10. No. I mean, old white guys have made plenty of mistakes and we still elect them. If anything, I think it might be the point at which some Americans start to see the major shortcomings of a two-party system and we see some viable alternatives to the Dems and Republicans.

  11. I doubt that his race will have anything with him doing a bad job, but yeah, you might not see another non-white president for a while if he botches the job.  It's just the way people think

  12. It's not a question of 'if obama does a bad job' it is whether or not he gets elected. if we dont elect him, then america just dodged a bullet.

  13. He gets kicked out in 2012 or even before, and with him the democratic party as well, paving the way for an age-old McCain Grandpa to get back!

  14. Fortunately, we won't have to worry about it. He's not getting elected. AND it has nothing to do with his Racial heritage. Republicans don't think about things the way Democrats apparently do. Of all the reasons to NOT vote for Obama, race is not anywhere near the top ten.

    Why are Democrats so preoccupied with someone's race, or s*x, or sexual orientation? None of those things are qualifying credentials to be President of the U.S., as far as I know.

    Why would Obama's success, or failure, have any bearing on another minority being elected at any point in time? If race is not a contributing factor, pro or con, why would anyone think it could be? That is what I meant by "Republicans don't think like Democrats." Contrary to most Democrats mis-perception, Republicans are NOT a bunch of bigoted racists. That perception is just an ingredient in the Democrat Kool-Aide.

    Plinko-I apologize for mis-reading, Thx ;-)  Cute name, it makes me smile.

    Dragon- I have a bigger problem with Obama's hatred of white people, than his color. It is that sort of thing(the hate) that makes him a poor candidate. He must honestly represent ALL the people of the U.S., not RESENT any! He clearly has issues.

  15. He'll just blame all of his failures on the Bush administration, so the answer to your question is "no".

    It's actually a pretty sweet setup.  If things go well on his watch, it's because he's a great leader.  If he can't do anything, it'll be because of Bush.  Of course, nothing that goes right in an Obama administration could be attributed back to the preceding administration.  

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