
If Obama wins can we get rid of Affirmitive Action?

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I was watching Carlos Mencia and it was pretty funny. He said we should just let Obama win so African Americans can quit whining about everything and blaming "the man" for their failures and they wouldn't be able to blame racism. I thought it was pretty funny but that's me. I don't think anybody stops you from being triumphant in life, only you can make yourself succeed if you work hard. I just think we need parents to be responsible so the cycle breaks and have real fathers step up and raise these kids right so teenage pregnancy can stop. But that's another question....

by the way I'm not white so don't bombard me with racist comments.




  1. You have to be kidding.  Affirmative action has been the Democrats' lodestone of political correctness for decades.

  2. you bet ye.

  3. i seen that episode,  Carlos is the man.  to me it doesn't matter who wins, our bill of rights states we are all created equal.  affirmative action is in itself racist.  it needs to go away and all people regardless of skin color who are American citizens should consider themselves AMERICAN, PERIOD.  I'm white and i can't stand applications that call me Caucasian,  instead i all ways choose other or when not available i make my own box and write on the side of it AMERICAN.  i do, I'm not kidding

    and not to sound racist, but i am glad i live in America and not Africa,  how about you?

  4. Affirmative Action is just about hiring minority's , it also mean some one has to hire someone like you , so no  

  5. h**l No! Whites ARE the minorities here. Affirmative Action is about to pay off!

  6. chick

  7. Obviously, you have never experienced racism.  If you have experienced prejudice, you cannot be serious.  Laws to protect blacks and minorities will have to remain in effect, since most black people and or minorities are not in placing of power. Affirmative Acton will always be necessary.  

    Even, the Constitution 15th Amendment, 1870,  giving the black man the right to vote has to be voted on every 5+10 years.  The original Constitution did not give blacks a right to vote.  When the Constitution was written blacks were slaves.  

    One man in power is not going to do it.  He can make a big difference, but it will not change all the evils of the world.  If we were all one race of people with one skin tone then, it would be equal.  Then and when that happens, people cannot judge or discriminate against you because your skin color is darker.  That will be the day.  

    Being judged by the color of your skin and predjudice is done subtly today.  It is just isn't in your face racism.  You just have not fell victim to it.  As long as there are hate groups, KKK, skin heads, and whatever else, racism exists.  Laws have to remain in place to protect blacks and minorities.

  8. Latest News-

  9. Hmm.........Why would Obama do that?

    Isn't that how, he is where he is after all.

    You will never see any black person make affirmative action go away, unless there is something to replace it with even more benefits.

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