
If Obama wins will he give Rezko and himself a pardon?

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Or are shady land deals just acceptable to Democrats.




  1. Mmmm, Keating 5, Enron, Silver City Bank?

    The Republicans have shown far more corruption and this pardoning of political corruption first became a big deal with Reagan and the Iran/Contra scandal.

    Bush made a real good example of it with Scooter.

    Sarah Palin is under investigation for abuse of power already, and she is not even in Washington yet.

  2. Not give, sell.

  3. Sure right along with the Bush and Cheney

  4. yes definitely

  5. Shady land deals are ok with them.h**l, half of the democratic party's base is dead and still votes..

  6. Yes, it will be more of the same.  While Gov Sarah Palin took on the corrupt government in Alaska and won, Obama stands by, doing nothing, while the Chicago Crime Machine keeps on doing its thing.  Barack and Biden exercise their mouths to make up for their failure to actually do anything that they promise.

  7. I'm having Whitewater flashbacks.  

  8. Most likely he'll give Rezko a pardon and a cabinet position as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.  He'll appoint Ayers to head the Department of Homeland Security.  Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright will alternate as the Congressional Chaplains.  Jack Kevorkian will be Obama's Surgeon General.

  9. ha ha made me laugh. good one

  10. Obama didn't do anything illegal so certainly doesn't need to pardon himself. And if John McCain gets elected, will he pardon Charles Keating? Or are savings and loans scandals only acceptable to Republicans?

  11. yes

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