
If Obama wins will it be a result of affirmative action.In other words does he benefit from discrimination.?

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He receives favorable treatment from CNN, MSNBC,CBS,ABC, NBC,and almost all the newspapers.




  1. no.

  2. Obama is a creation of Affirmative Action

    The only reason that Obama was accepted to the Harvard Law School is because of Affirmative Action.

    the requirements for Affirmative Action Candidates are very low even at prestigious schools like Harvard.

    The grading standards for Affirmative action Students are much lower for the Affirmative Action Students so they do not flunk out once they are in the school.

    Barack Obama's selection as Editor of the Harvard Law Review was also a result of Affirmative Action because Harvard wnted to make history with Barack Obama as the first Black Editor of The Harvard Law Review.

    It is interesting to note that Barack Obama did not write any articles for The Law Review himself because his incompetence would have become readily apparent if he had published an article that he wrote himself.

  3. Affirmative action has nothing to do with elected positions.

    But nice try to sell Affirmative Action, as a race only set of guidelines.

    it appears right-wingers don't have a clue what Affirmative Action really is.

  4. I don't really think it's about race in this case. In all honesty, Obama doesn't come across as "black" to me. Not in the way that an Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson does.

  5. Nope.

    The discrimination will be from folks like you.

    After all, this is white America.

  6. Obama would like it to be a result of Affirmative action because he was the one playing the race card!

  7. No.

    It will be because enough voters have had it with the status quo.

    It will be because we're sick to death of GOP politics of greed and hate.

    It will be because the people have spoken. Not the liberals or extremists. The people. Remember the people? Your fellow Americans?

    Drop the name calling and remember you'll have to do business the day after the election.

  8. Just the opposite by a long shot.

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