
If Obamas mother renounced her US citizenship, is he disqualified from being the President?

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If Obamas mother renounced her US citizenship, is he disqualified from being the President?




  1. No, US citizenship is based on whether or not you were born in the US or not. His mother would not have had to have been a citizen even at the time of his birth for him to be a US citizen. All that's required is that he be born in the US, which he was, in Hawaii.

  2. No.

    Your mother's citizenship has no effect on your citizenship.

    As long as you were born in the US, you can run for president.

  3. The same question can be asked of McCain.  His mother had him on an American base in another country.  Please stick to the issues.  Both men got a pass, so they're even.  

  4. She made very good living working for two different US Embassies, so you can take your rumor and stuff it.  

  5. Unfortunately no.

  6. Wasn't he born in Hawaii?

  7. Why would his mother have anything to do with him being persident? He is a US citizen and thats all that matters.

  8. you mean like today if she did?  I doubt it would matter as at the time she did have citizenship.

  9. NO. If his mother was an american citizen at the time of his birth, regardless of where he was born he is still recognized as an american citizen. His mother renouncing her american citizenship has nothing to do with the child.

    He was born in Hawaii and it is just a rumor as many other rumors about Obama that are not true.

    Before spreading rumors that are not true I think people should check out the truth for themselves and not rely on an author who has a bad reputation for lying especially about Democratic candidates.

    You may choose who you wish to vote for but voting for Obama is not just a vote for a Democratic president it is a vote for the Democratic party and to say you won't vote for anyone but Hilary is a foolish thing to do.

    If you can't back the Democratic nominee then you are probably not a democrate anyway and elections are not based on personality contests but for the party that follows your values, regardless of who the party is you back.

    Besides, she did not renounce her citizenship and by the way he is a christian not a muslim.

  10. nope.

    depends on whether he was born in the US or not.

    also he has lived in the US long enough to become a citizen himself, his citizenship isnt based on his mother & where she is from.

  11. No. He himself was still born on U.S. soil, so he's okay. Besides, he's already too far into the race for this to get in the way.  

  12. Yes

    Also, from what I have heard Obama's family was not in Hawaii at the time that he was born.

    that is apparently why the Hawaiian Authorities have not been able to find a birth Certificate for Obama.

    the so called "birth certificate" that Obama has posted on his website has been Photoshopped and is clearly a forgery.

    It is possible that Obama may not even be a United States Citizen.

    It is entirely possible that Obama may be an illegal alien.

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