
If Opec Says there is enough supplies to meet demands why are Gas prices keep going up?

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If Opec Says there is enough supplies to meet demands why are Gas prices keep going up?




  1. because they can.  And we will continue to buy.

  2. So that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.  They were actually going to try and figure that out, because supply has actually risen, and demand has gone down, so there is no reason for the panic that is ensuing right now.  All I know is that people are FREAKING out on Wall Street, looking like idiots, and the rest of us pay for it.

  3. because our dollar is going down down down.

  4. 1. Because the petroleum producers see a foreseeable end to their supply and want to make all the money they can (the stay rich club)

    2. The remaining oil supplies will be harder to find/reach.

    3. Simply because they can. We are slaves to it.

  5. One reason is short supply of diesel. As refineries process more diesel, the supply of fuel oils like gasoline are restricted and the price of gasoline rises. See the economist story below for details.

  6. I agree with princess, so the rich can get richer and the poor can get even poorer

  7. Taxstric is right...

    Dollar has lost value compared to Euro, Yuan, Yen, Loonie, Lira and Pound.

    Gasoline is traded in US dollar.  

    Lowered interest rates of the last 10 years by the feds, and doubling of US national debt under GW Bush has made inflation take off in commodities (gold, food, oil)

  8. Because the oil and gas industries have us by the gots. We as a people stood by while they blocked efficiency and innovation. So in a sense we are their accomplices.

    Here's a question for you. When you see that Jeep is offering to lock your fuel prices in at 2.99 a gallon if you buy one of their vehicles... well, how does a deal like that get made?

    The game, my friend, is conspiracy of interest. Bad mileage is in the interest of oil producers... regearing for better mileage takes a bite out of corporate profits.

    As long as CEOs make salaries in the hundred million range, and have golden parachutes when they **** up their companies, we will be stuck in a world where business can break against the common good. Because when the game is fixed so thoroughly in their favor, why should they care about something as warm and fuzzy as the common good.

    Rebel. I'm not suggesting that voting democratic is the right answer, but right now, you should do it, because every republican vote is a green light for business culprits.

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