
If Osama Bin Laden is Innocent, then who is behind 9/11 Attack on Twin towers.?

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If Osama Bin Laden is Innocent, then who is behind 9/11 Attack on Twin towers.?




  1. There is no innocent about it.  Please stop reading conspiracy theories that make lies seem like truth.  It is harmful to your mind.

  2. i was hopeing the city make room for the new Yankee stadium....but no such luck..they built it in the Bronx

  3. who said he was innocent? All he does is threaten us

  4. Who said OBL was innocent?

  5. George Bush!!!!

  6. some muslim!!!!

  7. actually its the crab people

  8. Oh my ,  what have you been smoking ?  Of course Binny boy is a murderer .  End of story .  Amen !

  9. The twinkie man.

  10. Interesting question! the fact is..we will never really know! What do you think about Freemasonry, secret society and all the people and association that acts hidden, behind government?

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