
If PUMA's were really republican, then why did the DNC spend three day's trying to appease us? And why did ?

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they hand the DNC over to the Clinton's? People accuse us of being Republicans, but if that were true, then why did the DNC take our threat so seriously, and tried to bring 'unity' to the convention?




  1. Um, you are deluding yourself.  The DNC and the Obama campaign worked with Sen. and President Clinton...not YOU.  PUMA represents a handful of disgruntled people...not the 18 million Clinton supporters.  More than 50% of the Clinton supporters were backing Obama BEFORE the bet that's a lot higher now.

    Of course they tried to bring unity to the else will they WIN?  

    What happened to PUMA big demonstration at the convention?  Kinda fizzled, huh?

  2. I was always a McCain supporter, but the way HRC was treated pi**ed me off big time. I was actually pulling for her at the end.

  3. Howard Dean, says that becasue the alternative is to admit that women actually have an impact in elections.

  4. I think Obama and the DNC are going to see just how badly Hillary was treated. Not a one of the dems spoke out against the sexism that occured. I think a lot of democrats are defecting to the republicans.

  5. I dont think you all are Reublican, I just think you are being what McCain calls Obama all the time.... NAIVE...

    If you are PRO-CHOICE you don't vote PRO-LIFE.

    You are applauding a woman who governed a state in the middle of nowhere and the size of Austin, TX the ability to govern two wars and the Supreme Court while McCain only met her ONCE, told her on Thursday (the irony) and she has spent ZERO time supporting womens rights and foreign policy...

  6. the 44-year-old Palin, who was selected as Sen. John McCain's running mate today, is now the focus of her own state ethics investigation as part of the so-called "Troopergate" scandal, a bizarre controversy involving the firing of a state police chief and his reluctance to fire an Alaska state trooper, Palin's former brother-in-law who has been involved in a bitter custody fight with her younger sister.

  7. I think any real Hillary supporter who has turned to the GOP because of Palin is a superficial fool.

    It was a politically reasonable ploy to plead for unity at the DNC, given that Obama and Hillary were both so popular. What on earth is a Hillary supporter doing voting Republican unless they were only in the game for reasons of personality or gender? It's a childish way to choose your leaders.

  8. First of all they had people there to keep you numbnuts in line and second they were not appeasing you out of balance, over emotional sore losers.  They were giving Hillary Clinton her due so get over it already!!

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