
If Palin allowed s*x education to be taught in H.S. would her daughter now be pregnant?

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Like many republican/conservative/republican/chris... ideas, it comes from a philosophical position and ignores reality.

Palin has her ideals and ruined her daughter's life




  1. I am so glad you have the crystal ball that allows you to know what would happen if a child was raised by a public school system, instead of a parent.  I am also glad that you know so much about family that you know that having a child ruins your life.  I am sure you mother felt that her life was ruined when you were born.

  2. Bristol was homeschooled, along with all of their they could 'teach their moral values' and keep creationism in the classroom. Bristol was taught by her parents that abstinence is the only way. Palin also believes that birth control in any form is wrong. She is with the group "Feminists for Life" who don't believe in b.c. or abortions, in ANY instance. Sheltered children often make for rebellious teens and young adults. The problem is, part of her sheltering included not teaching her the basics of protection.

  3. I seriously doubt that anyone having reached the age of 17 doesn't know what causes pregnancy and how to prevent that pregnancy.  Why does having a baby have to ruin your life?  You sound like Obama.  He said he would have his daughter abort her baby so she wouldn't be punished with it.  This girl made up her own mind.  Do you think her mother should have gone out on their dates with them?  A 17 year old realizes the risk involved in being sexually active.  

  4. Do you seriously believe your own B.S.?  Come on, man.

    The only one slitting this poor seventeen-year-old girl's throat is you.  The rest of us understand that accidents happen.

    I'd like to know where all this "compassion" for pregnant teens was when Jamie Lynn Spears turned up pregnant.

  5. She is also against birth control.  Does this include condoms?  Maybe she is pro-aids as well.

  6. This is so sleazy it makes me sick.. This is a family issue that is really none of  our business.. It was that girls bad choice that got her pregnant. She is making the right choice by keeping the child..  

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