
If Palin and her family are off limits to questions, where does that leave questions regarding Michelle Obama?

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If Palin and her family are off limits to questions, where does that leave questions regarding Michelle Obama?




  1. Michelle actively campaigns for Obama. No one from Sarah's family is up in front of millions of people touting her. If they did, then they'd be fair game.

    You can't personally step on the field and claim foul. Sarah is the only one that has done any campaigning. If her daughter gets up and starts giving a speech, then it changes things completely.

    If you can't understand the difference then you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

  2. The same place she's been for months... the target of Right wing smears.

  3. You asked a great question. It's like people want to handle Palin with kid gloves and say all sorts of inappropriate things about Michelle Obama. Michelle is not running for office. Palin is.

    Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that they should slam Palin about her daughter, but all issues as far as the economy, war, etc should be analyzed and scrutinized just like anyone elses.

  4. Rip her all you want. It will only translate into more angry women voters for McCain/Palin. Go ahead, attack her. See if I care.

  5. It really depends how much Michelle speaks out. Bristol hasn't said a word.

  6. Michelle is not a child.

    Remember BHO said children are off limits.

  7. Both partys are fully corupted and the GOV says the kid is off limits cause they for Michelle that was not on the program !!!!

  8. I think family should be off limits ... unless it means something. Barack's Muslim roots should be examined. Not scrutinized. But someone who wants to lead the world for 4 years should be looked at in all areas. If Michelle Obama wants to be left out, she should stay out. She DID put herself in the mix. It is silly to say things publicly, and then say you can't be examined or scrutinized. That is only fair.

  9. Palin's family isn't out actively campaigning and bashing America, moron.

  10. Neither are off limits to salient pertinent questions. Both should be off limits to personal, stupid, or invasive questions.

    It serves no purpose to excoriate Palin or her daughter over her daughter's pregnancy. Just as it should have been offlimits to question Chelsea Clinton about her father's sexual indiscretions.  

  11. Palin is not off limits; she is running for office.  Her family should be off limits, unless they campaign for her and criticize the opposition.  Obama's children should be off limits.  Michelle Obama has campaigned for her husband and criticized the Republicans, so she is fair game.

  12. Only Republican fundamentalists are off the good old U.S. of A. which was founded on CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES! ROFL

  13. Insincerity has always been the ticket for the Hoover Republicans on the far right.  

  14. Once you step into the arena and give speaches, and attach the other side you are fair game no matter who you are.  

  15. one asks questions about Michelle.  They just completely demonize her on Fox News...and then on here, make shrewd comments.  That's ok...didn't you get that memo?

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