
If Palin can speak to God - why dont we just appoint her as the World Leader to all of Mankind?

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I mean if she wasnt speaking to jesuz himself how else would she know that making war met with his approval??

what a load of bs!!!!!

I'm not american but for the sake of your own country - please look at what 8yrs of having ZERO leadership has already done to it....




  1. She has just been promoted.

    Give her another year.

  2. Thank you. These foolish followers need new guidance. It is refreshing to hear points of few from afar. Keep it up.

  3. This is the kind of thing that should seriously set alarm bells ringing.

    Also... ever noticed how everyone thinks "god" is on their side?

  4. Well, if McCain and Palin do get in, there will be a mess alright but no messiah!!

  5. Don't we have you to do the talking?

  6. The problem is most of the leaders that say they talk to God do all the talking and not enough listening.

  7. Religion doesnt have a place in politics

  8. Alright, I'll go for that.

  9. Sounds a lot like the prayer Obama slipped into the Wailing Wall on his trip to Israel.

    "The note says:


    Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins and help me guard against pride and despair.

    Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just.

    And make me an instrument of your will."

  10. She's never spoke to me.

  11. This country has GOT to stop electing people to power who claim that God wants them there.  That's how Bush got into office.  God told him that he wanted him to be, right?

  12. She is a politician and she knows how to manipulate the religious right-wing fundamentalists. Unfortunately, for the cause of Christianity, Christianity in the US has evolved in the same direction as the Islamic jihadist fundamentalist movement. They are gun-toting, trigger-happy, bomb the sh*t out of your enemy nuts. Like the extreme muslims, they see themselves as the sword of Jehovah which they want to see dripping with the blood of their enemies. They use God to justify their actions which are often out of kilter with the words of Jesus himself.

    Let's hope that all thinking Christians will be repelled by what is happening and oppose these lunatics.

  13. Right! - and they call Obama the messiah!  

    Beware of pitbulls wearing lipstick!!

  14. The GOD she is talking about is "MAMMON" = The GOD in which America Trust's (i.e. MONEY from OIL, GOLD, GAS, etc...)...

    The WAR in IRAQ has/had nothing to do with Jesus, and everything to do with MONEY (The AMERICAN DREAM!)

  15. Anyone who can speak to a god/s needs a psychiatrist!

  16. I kind of like my country.  You don't even represent what country you are from because, I assume, you aren't real proud of it.  Keep your nose out of American politics, you probably can thank your livelihood to America, so shut up and don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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