
If Palin is 2nd best in the Republican Party...?

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Isn't that a slap in the face to Lieberman? I thought he was McCain's best friend/memory provider.




  1. Go away hippie! Lieberman is liberal. McCain is not. Palin is a better choice. Hard to directly attack. I watched on CNN today them attack her by saying how much better the libertarian Bob Barr would be even though Barr would of never accepted.

  2. Only an idiot asks a question that they all ready know the answer to. Your feeble mind is already made up.

  3. Leiberman was being considered, but passed up because McCain needed to pander to the Evangelicals and shake up his otherwise stale campaign. It was a desperate and risky move, and I sure hope the American public doesn't get sucked into this. She is not a voice of change, she is a hard line neoconservative. Do you Evangelicals actually think her policies will override McCains? I can't believe they endorse him now because of this. Tricked that easily. It would be entertaining if it weren't so sad.

  4. Big time slap.  If McCain were a real maverick and not a tool of the religious right he'd have picked his first choice Lieberman.  Republicans are all hostage to these religious nutjobs.    

  5. I think she was a great job and all of those who were on the list realize why she was picked. She was picked for her reformer image. She took on the Good ole' boy system in Alaska and beat it. She threw out corruption and has done a great job in all of her elected positions. She also actually won all of her appointments instead of getting everyone else thrown off the ballot.  

    Not all dems support Obama. a lot of them still support Hillary but will vote Obama just to have a dem in office. They don't really care who it is as long as he is a dem.  

  6. Lieberman isn't a Republican.

  7. If she is second best in terms of ability to lead, who is third?  Seems like a slap to a lot of republicans who have built long careers of service to their country and party, who have relationships with key lawmakers around the country and the world, and who have "led" something big before.  Guliani led a city with 24 times more people than her state, with an economy bigger than half the countries in the world, with a police force bigger than the Alaska National Guard.

    The best thing here is that if she was a dem, Fox News and all the other haters would be saying what an insult it is to family values - "It is irresponsible for her to do this at this time with that baby at home who needs her.  How selfish of her to think of her career ahead of her child" they would say.  They would put the rediculous pictures of her shooting the machine gun in a split screen with the old shot of Dukakis sitting in the tank.  They would put up a graphic that shows that 88 cities (made up this number as an example) in the US have a bigger population than Alaska.

    I think it is a slap in the face to those who have devoted their lives to building their education and resume.  Condi Rice is remarkably educated, connected, and understands how things work in Washington and around the world.  And she wasn't even on the list.  Maybe she would have been considered if she also had five children - because it doesn't look like real experience matters any more.

  8. shes not necessarily the 2nd best shes the one that McCain wanted to run with. but a good friend can understand his reasoning

  9. She was the politically correct choice.  She makes McCain look good.  Like a trophy wife or arm candy.

  10. It's a slap in the face to a lot of good Republicans who were also being considered.

  11. Lieberman is Liberal, not Republican.  Get your info correct please.

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