
If Palin is Not Qualified for VP, Why is Obama Qualified to be President?

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If Palin is Not Qualified for VP, Why is Obama Qualified to be President?




  1. I understand your question.  But, only the Republican leadership can answer it.  They are the ones who said that Obama was too inexperienced, which resulted in must people complaining in turn that Palin is too experienced after her nomination was announced.  It’s not a “Chicken and the Egg” riddle here.  The Republican brain trust brought up the experience issue as a major point first, and so IMO, it is not necessary for any Democrat, Obama supporter, etc. to defend Obama’s qualifications in comparison to Palin’s.  A better question is why the hypocrisy from the Republicans?  

  2. Because Palin is a women, and it's alright in this society to attack women.  Obama is a black man, and he automatically is spotted 10 percentage points.

  3. Harvard Grad with accomplishments in the senate and soooooooooo much more You want his list go to his site.

  4. Because, little Johnny, Obama is not Palin...

  5. She runs a state called Alaska, Do you Really consider that experience

  6. Obama has used good judgment, in Iraq and Afghanistan in particular, two critical decisions for our new Commander in Chief.

    Palin is not qualified to teach 6th grade science.  I don't want a religious fanatic teaching, leading or doing anything else for me or my country.  I don't trust her judgment if she can't understand the separation of church and state.

  7. Such an obvious question, and no one asks it.

    Obama argues he has more experience than Palin - isn't that saying McCain, who Obama is running against, has him smoked?  

    Seems like a dumb Demo argument - but what's new.  

  8. Just knowing that she hunts for sport barely qualifies her as human in my opinion . As a young woman I use to go deer hunting with my father in the mountainous regions where I grew up . Hunting for sport is sacrilegious in my book . But then again Palin is right there with many Republicans as well.They act like Kings and Queens who hunt for fun in their own private forests. In Palin's view  that would be Alaska I guess.

  9. Because Obama leaves it up to the people for the AMERICAN people to choose..

    McCain just takes the experience agrument away from himself with a bone-headed Alzheimer's choice..

    Who did I miss, ohhhh yeahhhh I forgot about Romney & Condi Rice???  Whoops, can we sell it?

  10. BINGO! However, Palin is qualified. I still question Barry's qualifications. What has he run? Maybe he reviewed some bills and some he actually voted on.

  11. Bingo !!!

  12. The media gets pissed off when you ask them that.

    Didn't you hear Campbell Brown chastising a McCain spokesperson for turning her own question against her?

  13. You are comparing Apples and Oranges!

  14. He's not!

    Crazy Libs want to have it both ways.  They like Obama because he's young, inexperienced and not a Washington insider.  Then they turn around and Praise Biden for all the opposite reasons.

    I agree Palin is not qualified enough to take over for McCain should something happen, but Obama shouldn't even be considered for President, for experience and a variety of other reasons.

  15. Nailed it! Only the sheep seem to know. Palin is more experienced than Obama and they hate that so they attack senselessly. I have never seen so mush absurd attacks on anyone. They are even using lies to promote their lies. They will attack Palins experience but never compare it to Obamas.

  16. Trippi Warns Democrats to Not Underestimate Pick of Sarah Palin

    Posted: 01 Sep 2008 10:33 AM CDT

    Here is analysis by Joe Trippi, a Democratic political consultant, on why Democrats had better be careful in underestimating John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Vice-President:

    I have seen a lot of commentary on why John McCain’s pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a cynical and transparent ploy to bring disaffected women who supported Hillary Clinton to his cause - and why this ploy would fail.

    But I don’t think John McCain and the people around him are that stupid.

    Something else in his speech introducing Palin as his choice caught my attention and I believe shines some light on the real reason McCain chose the Alaskan.

    McCain said of this pick “I have found the right partner to help me stand up to those who value their privileges over their responsibilities, who put power over principle, and put their interests before your needs...I found someone with an outstanding reputation for standing up to special interests and entrenched bureaucracies; someone who has fought against corruption and the failed policies of the past."

    The McCain campaign plans on making an assault on Barack Obama’s strength as a change agent. And challenge, what the McCain campaign will describe as, Obama’s weak or non-existent attacks on corruption within the Democratic Party and other institutions throughout his career.

    Like the Swift boat attacks of 2004 on Senator John Kerry, a decorated Viet Nam Veteran -- this assault will be on what is now a strength of Barack Obama's -- his focus on changing a broken system in Washington.

    To make this assault, McCain picked in Palin someone who has taken on the corruption in the GOP in Alaska, turned against her own party’s establishment, and fought for reform.

    The McCain/Palin duo will challenge Barack Obama’s claim of “a new kind of politics” and chastise Obama and Democratic vice presidential Nominee, Joe Biden, for their “silence” in taking on corruption in their own party in Illinois, Delaware and Washington, DC.

    The McCain campaign intends to claim that “more of the same” in Washington means Barack Obama and Joe Biden and will make the argument that if you want to “shake things up” then McCain and his reform minded running mate from Alaska will get the job done.

    My initial reaction was that in picking Palin, McCain had taken away the argument that Barack Obama wasn’t ready to be president. I now think my initial assessment on that score was wrong. Over time, the McCain team will insinuate that if you think a first-term Governor isn’t ready for the number 2 slot, are you really sure that a first-term Senator is ready for the number 1 spot?  

  17. Obama is NOT qualified to be the president, plain and simple!

  18. Well said.  A point I hold as well.

  19. Obama went through a long hard voting selection by the Democrats who chose him as their man. Palin was selected by one scared old man, John McCain,  

  20. Obama has the same resume as Lincoln, on IL state senate then US senate.

    Palin was the 1.5 year govorner of the 3rd least populated state in the US of 650,000 hermits. AK isn't even 1/300th of the US population. Before that she was the mayor of a small town of 7,000. How does Palin understand foreign or economic policy?

  21. A woman elected as an American working class mother is more to my liking than a Harvard Elitist Lawyer.

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