
If Palin is a self proclaimed Pit Bull, does that blow the theory that "All dogs go to Heaven"?

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If Palin is a self proclaimed Pit Bull, does that blow the theory that "All dogs go to Heaven"?




  1. No...waiting for the punch line...

  2. Christians kill and eat animals and I doubt that they believe they go to heaven. How can they accept Jesus as their savior? Sarah is a Pit bull with lipstick and I think she is what we need in Washington. Biden is an ole timer and will change nothing and I would not hire Obama for by business. I can just imagine him standing around bull

    s h i t t i n g about something that he knows little about.

  3. I think she could only hope to be as good as a dog. How about an old droop drawer s***k?

  4. If she was a rapper, maybe I wouldn't care about her reference to a pit bull. At least she has Michael Vick's "imaginary" vote. I think he was who she was trying to attract. Can felon's vote, Palin? I know myself as a middle class mother wouldn't waste my vote on her. Pit Bulls bite the hand that feeds them for no just reason as well as attack children. I guess that's why she failed to mention anything about education or the middle class voters. Phony!  

  5. Definitely

  6. You don't go to heaven unless your dead.  

  7. I thought her joke was great. Sarah rocks!

  8. Yes, but we all know that you would try to hump her leg.

  9. Dogs are loyal and peoples best friend.  Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!

  10. This appears to be a threat against the life of a Vice Presidential candidate.

  11. And my sentiments exactly...This Sarah Palin and her stupid comments last night (I read the transcript of her speech) reflect her right-wing, extremist, and fascist attitudes towards Politics...After conducting much investigation into the unknown Politician...It is apparent that she is very well-known among the hard-core, right-wing of the GOP...that is why those here on Y!A who are extremely supportive of her...are supportive of her...they know exactly who she is...And, the saddest thing of all is that McCain and Lieberman (once moderate) have aligned themselves with the Devil....

  12. She's a Chihuhua compared to Biden.

  13. LOL,very funny. Dogs only serve their masters. They have no their own mind. They are chained. She picked by Macain, of course. lol.  

  14. I would say so.

  15. I can't get my brain around your thinking?

    dogs don't have a why would they go to heaven?

  16. Clearly.   It, does, though, confirm what we pretty much knew from the start:  she's a real B*^*ch.

  17. This is the best you got???? Wow - talk about a Hail Mary pass of desparation. The GOP convention really must be frustrating you. It was only a matter of time before the smoke and mirrors of King Obama would be exposed. Next time you libs should consider someone more qualified to be your candidate like Star Jones or Carrot Top!  

  18. Well if what the Bible says holds true, then she will go to heaven, as well as Hitler and Fred Phelps. Meanwhile, Gandhi, the Buddha and Confucius are all burning in h**l.


  19. She is no pitbull. She is scared of the media.

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