
If Palin is anti-corruption how come she was supporting Sen. Stevens as late as July?

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and directed a 527 group in support of him?

Just thought perhaps we shouldn't focus on her daughter so much.




  1. Because she's not really anti-corruption.  It's something the Republicans just say, like refusing to admit there's an economic problem or saying that being governer of Alaska makes you an expert on international affairs cause it's near Russia.  Just a lot of nonsense, really.

  2. I live in Alaska and Sarah is okay and has been doing quite a bit of housecleaning up here as far as politics.  But she's done nothing for the drug business up here and refuses to put more police on the force.  It's a drug users paradise up here.

  3. the gop would rather you talked about her daughter than this...

  4. Because all republicans lie and Lie and LIE - the bigger the lie the better.    It's genetic - they evolved that way.  They can't help themselves.

    GoBama!  Kick Righ Wing Butt!

  5. Simple

    Steven's affiliated law firm helped Palin secure Government $27mil in earmarmarks for her town of 6,700

    What a reformer she is

    I think she knows more about the Washington game then we give her credit for

  6. He's being accused of not disclosing all of his home renovation on financial disclosure documents

    He says that some of the work was done as gifts, and some was paid for in cash, so he didn't have documentation for everything.

    As if Sarah Palin knew this was going to happen...She didn't know anything about it...Get real

    Can't you guys come up with something GOOD?...Interesting, maybe?...This stuff is so petty

  7. I'm not a Republican, but I am keeping an open mind until I hear from Palin. I have not even heard her speak except for 2 minutes. I refuse to allow my opportunity to hear her with an open mind be taken away by those who have their minds made up already.

  8. Because he supported her. One dirty hand washes the other.

  9. I dunno.  When did all that stuff about Stevens become news?  Oh, and btw, are you aware he has the (apparent) support of  the GOP, having handily won the state primary AFTER indictment?

  10. Thanks--keep it up. Though I believe the criticisms of Palin's judgment & ideology (as evidenced by this family issue) are valid ones, it is time to move on. Let's get as many of her missteps out there as possible!

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