
If Palin is more qualified than Obama to be President...?

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... then why is McCain qualified at all?

This is a serious question. How do Republican advocates parse the experience question? Please spare me the customary rhetoric.




  1. This video shows Sara Palin isnt ready for the national media.

  2. Palin is more qualified than Obama. McCain is more qualified than Palin. You handle the logic from here.

  3. If she had ANY qualifications for the job, Bush and Rove would not now be "tutoring" her on foreign policy. All of a sudden, "she's a fast learner" is good enough to be President and Commander in Chief (because a Vice-President as we all know is a President in waiting).

  4. real grit..r you mad because palin doesnt hold the skills obama does

  5. haha, they asked a McCain advisor this exact question and all they could do was giggle.  

  6. McCain is not a first term Senator, he's got more than 20 yrs. under his belt.

    Trippi Warns Democrats to Not Underestimate Pick of Sarah Palin

    Posted: 01 Sep 2008 10:33 AM CDT

    Here is analysis by Joe Trippi, a Democratic political consultant, on why Democrats had better be careful in underestimating John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Vice-President:

    I have seen a lot of commentary on why John McCain’s pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a cynical and transparent ploy to bring disaffected women who supported Hillary Clinton to his cause - and why this ploy would fail.

    But I don’t think John McCain and the people around him are that stupid.

    Something else in his speech introducing Palin as his choice caught my attention and I believe shines some light on the real reason McCain chose the Alaskan.

    McCain said of this pick “I have found the right partner to help me stand up to those who value their privileges over their responsibilities, who put power over principle, and put their interests before your needs...I found someone with an outstanding reputation for standing up to special interests and entrenched bureaucracies; someone who has fought against corruption and the failed policies of the past."

    The McCain campaign plans on making an assault on Barack Obama’s strength as a change agent. And challenge, what the McCain campaign will describe as, Obama’s weak or non-existent attacks on corruption within the Democratic Party and other institutions throughout his career.

    Like the Swift boat attacks of 2004 on Senator John Kerry, a decorated Viet Nam Veteran -- this assault will be on what is now a strength of Barack Obama's -- his focus on changing a broken system in Washington.

    To make this assault, McCain picked in Palin someone who has taken on the corruption in the GOP in Alaska, turned against her own party’s establishment, and fought for reform.

    The McCain/Palin duo will challenge Barack Obama’s claim of “a new kind of politics” and chastise Obama and Democratic vice presidential Nominee, Joe Biden, for their “silence” in taking on corruption in their own party in Illinois, Delaware and Washington, DC.

    The McCain campaign intends to claim that “more of the same” in Washington means Barack Obama and Joe Biden and will make the argument that if you want to “shake things up” then McCain and his reform minded running mate from Alaska will get the job done.

    My initial reaction was that in picking Palin, McCain had taken away the argument that Barack Obama wasn’t ready to be president. I now think my initial assessment on that score was wrong. Over time, the McCain team will insinuate that if you think a first-term Governor isn’t ready for the number 2 slot, are your really sure that a first-term Senator is ready for the number 1 spot?

  7. Obama ISN'T qualified to be president

  8. Experience is important, but decision making skills are far more important, and I really don't think McCain is qualified in that respect.....

    Not anymore anyway, maybe he was eight years ago.....

  9. Yes, Palin is ultimately more "experienced" than Obama.  All of the candidates have the same "qualifications," i.e.,

    *They have all reached their 35th birthday,

    *They are all natural-born citizens of the United States of America, and

    *They have all resided in the United States for the past 14 years.

    McCain has had experience working in the Executive branch of government (a military officer).

    With regard to "experience," Senator Obama and Senator Biden both have serious issues with plagiarism, both having been caught multiple times.

    Both Senator Obama and Biden have  experience casting votes (or being present and not casting votes.)  That is the extent of their their experience.  It is the same experience you have when you cast a vote.

    Senators do not negotiate treaties with other nations, they do not command troops, they do not enforce laws (unless they impeach a president or something).  They govern as a group.  

    They basically meet in committees, ask each others advice, and make deals to support the pork barrel and pet projects of each other to help them win favor with their small electorates so they can get elected again.

    They can blend in and strategize what they will vote on and what they will not.  They don't have to make immediate responses to any challenges.  Their aim is to form a safe record that will get them re-elected in their own jurisdictions.

    Senator Obama served 143 days in the US Senate when he began running for president.  He lucked into the senate position by being in the right place at the right time following a death.  He has done nothing to root out corruption in his party.

    Well, no sense beating a dead horse, right?

  10. Community organizer? What is the matter, man can't find a job with his fancy degree?

  11. They won't answer the question, because there isn't a satisfactory answer.  In fact, McCain canceled an appearance on Larry King Live today to punish CNN for daring to question a McCain spokesman over how Palin is qualified to be president.  The spokesman couldn't provide an answer.

  12. Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  13. and your a top contributor??


  14. my goldfish are more qualified than obama to be president.  palin has spent more time that obama as a public servant...look it up.  obama has 12 years and palin has 16.  

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