
If Palin is no friend of the environment, animals or the ecosystem, what will she do to the other 49 states?

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Under Palin, Alaska sued the U.S. government to stop the listing of the polar bear as a threatened species. She supports big oil, the drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge and Pebble Mine which will release toxins and destroy the ecosystem of the Bristol Bay watershed. If she is willing to 'rape and pillage' the natural beauty, resources and wildlife of Alaska, what effect will she have on the other 49 states if they get into office?

Lots of links on this page:,9565,170983,00.html




  1. have your ever seen the beaches of the gulf of mexico along the louisiana coast.  have you ever seen what a on land oil/gas well site looks like, trust me i live in louisiana and drive by them all the time.  we have been poisoning our ecosystem for decades in the name of the all mighty barrel of oil. what we really need to look into alternative energy, not bitching about who spilled the milk.  

  2. complete destruction of our earth

  3. You wanted those things.. you complained about gas prices and foreign have to drill somewhere.. California and NYC refused.. that left Alaska...

    Truth is Alaska would just as soon you all went home and took care of yourself.....

  4. She better leave Texas alone.  I find my state quite beautiful and wonderful and I want to preserve it for my children and their children...stay away PALIN!

  5. Sell us off to China like Bush is doing........ she is only a puppet.  Just get her in then the Neo-Cons will finish us off.

  6. Let's hope we will never find out.

    Obama/Biden '08!

  7. I couldn't ever vote for someone against the enviroment.

  8. Well we know she believes God likes the war on Iraq.  Said it was "God's task".  (Bush believes this also...why this man wasn't impeached I just don't UNDERSTAND!!!)  All her statements put together a picture of a woman who actually seems to *like* war.  Typical, I guess, of the rich and religious elitists who think they are better than every other human being, religion, country, and culture on the planet.

    That right there should tell us a few things about Palin:

    A. She's cray

    B. A war mongering religious zealot

    C. She is against abortion but for war---I wonder which kills more people?

    D. If she doesn't care about human life (once it exits the womb of course) what makes anyone think she gives a d**n about the environment, animals, or the state of the planet in general?

    All I can say is hope, pray, vote, make your voice heard...don't let this nut into office.

  9. She'll bring the same "rape and pillage" concept with her. She is no reformer. Palin is for Palin, and against the environment. Think for a moment: What do barracudas do?

    They destroy.  

  10. Put them in debt for one. The hometown where she was Mayor of 6750 people she left with a $20Million deficit.

    What I am concerned about is what will she do to people who don't agree her her if (heaven forbid) she gets in office, because Troopergate isn't the first abuse of power issue she has had. In her hometown the sheriff didn't support her reelection and she had him fired. He sued and he won.

    I think she is bad for the environment

    Bad for women - PRO CHOICE

    and bad for America.  

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