
If Palin uses a teleprompter tomorrow will republicans vote for Obama?

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It doesn't surprise me that this is an issue for republicans because they are running out of excuses for their candidates. Trust me Palin will use a prompter tomorrow they are very nervous about what she will say. She's used to talking in front of 6,000 people tomorrow it will be 9,000 I hope she's ready.




  1. I am not at all concerned with how she speaks. Nothing she can say erases the FACT that she is so dead set on prohibiting s*x education . Do you think her daughter or this country benefits ? She talks about Family Values, but does not seem to value her family at all. If you had an underage, unmarried pregnant daughter, and an infant with Down Syndrome and three other children would you feel compelled to take on a 24/7 job? Only if you did not give a rat's a** about them. Getting pregnant and having babies does not make you a mother. Animals do it all the time.

    What I am saying is how can you be such a devout believer in pro life and not give a dam**ed about it once its born?? Sorry, that's a much bigger sin.

    UGH-you are representative of the putridity of the Republican Party. I had no idea that if you turn it to Fox they are not talking up their boy McCain, they spend all of their time tearing down Obama. If they were not so ashamed of 5 from the bottom of his class- McCain they would have their focus on him not on Obama. They said they lucked out. Meaning the fact that their convention was cut short in order to minimize appearances by the president and the current administration. Pretty disgusting if you ask me. They were so ashamed of Bush they had to get Lieberman to talk up MCain. I understand it took quite a bit to get him to do it.

  2. I think she needs all the help she can get. I thought the initial speech bragging her "Hockey Mom" and PTA credentials was ridiculous!  

  3. get over it a lady from a town with 6000 people blows your golden boy off the in more experience

  4. She worked as a sportscaster on tv news, she can deliver a speech with a teleprompter no problem.  The bigger question is can she think on her feet during a debate.

  5. No. All you  say is speculation on your part Want to put money where your mouth is.

    Have you ever seen her speak? I have she is awesome and doesn't say um ah oh hum every 30 seconds..

    Where you at the Republican convention observing this alleged nervousness?

  6. UGH

    I would not vote for Obama if you put a gun to my head.

  7. If Palin uses a teleprompter, Dems will get confused and vote Republican.  It's not that Republicans are turned off by telemprompters as much as Dems are attracted to 'em - like blue bug zappers!!!

  8. You won't like the truth of the matter here, but she's already spoken to a crowd of well more than 9,000 (by the way you guys need to make up your mind on the population of Wasilia, Alaska).   She already spoken to a very large crowd in Dayton that was broadcast on  National Television.   She was very articulate and composed.   Turns out she is really a pretty good public speaker.

  9.   You sound almost desperate and giving a wishful thinking question.

      An experienced lecturer, as Palin could present a speech in front of 200 or 200,000 and never miss a beat.   So far, Obama and Biden are the only two I know who NEED teleprompters.

  10. first off dummy; shes talking to the whole country!

    second; she did fine last time.

    Its not like she has to have her whole white gang write her speeches for her; like Obama =D

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