
If Palin was so proud....?

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of her country. Why did she want to succeed from the Federal government?




  1. Because her job was to run her state as best as her abilities allow.  In a country that allows babies to die legally we have no right to point a finger a a woman that Loves a child with great disabilities and a child that makes mistakes.

  2. Exactly...

    And if she is SO conservative and SO religious than why is her 17 year old unwed daughter prego?

    The road to h**l is paved with Republican hipocracy....

    - Saw that on a bumper sticker... quite liked it..

  3. In fairness....  I don't believe that it was Sarah that wanted Alaska to secede..  It's her nutjob husband who's name was found on the list

    Not hers...

    But   considering that she touts love for America, and Family Values, it's interesting that her values and love for America allowed her to marry such a wacko.

  4. Please post a credible link.I know what you are referring to and I want you to show how stupid you are.

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