
If Palin was unable to prevent her OWN CHILD from keeping her legs closed, why would anyone want her for VP?

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If Palin was unable to prevent her OWN CHILD from keeping her legs closed, why would anyone want her for VP?




  1. All a parent can do is educate a child and hope that they make the right decision, Pinhead. She didn't tell her daughter to go out and have s*x, like  most parents I am sure she talked to her child about the birds and the bees but she can't force her not to have s*x. Just because she is a politician do you think that she should put a chasity belt on her daughter. Idiots like you are why there is so much mud slinging in political campaigns, "Oh , I support this party so I am going to bash this persons family."  People like you disgust me. I am soooo... sure that you are a virgin, since you aren't does that make your parents bad people and unable to do their jobs. Get a clue.

  2. C'mon now, don't hold back.  Tell us what political party you really support.  We won't know unless you actually tell us.  Please????

  3. Perfect example of an enlightened, compassionate liberal.

    I copy and pasted this to for the world to see.

  4. 1. This is NOT a Law & Ethics question.  Try ranting in Politics

    2. YOU can't control everything YOUR child does. Don't expect anyone else to have that ability.  How you DEAL with what they do is the only thing you can control.

  5. I don't think the V.P has a job description of working with people to keep their legs closed.

    To paraphrase Obama, "that's above the V.Ps pay grade."

  6. as stated by many people, her private life is no ones business.

    despite the fact that i am myself a democrat, i think its horrible how people are dragging this girls issues into the public eye. pregnancy can happen to anyone. yeah, its unfortunate that it had to happen this way. however, it should not be counted against her politically.  

  7. Please be intelligent enough to put asinine questions in the correct forum.

    This belongs in politics, not law, because obviously, you THINK you are making a political statement.

  8. bet you wish you never asked that stupid question.

    probably so ugly noone would want to have you

  9. You have got to be stupid!! Yes I mean stupid, if  Obama can not keep his own brother from living in a shanty then why would you want him to be your president.

  10. college student correct?? Well we can only gather if you ever have children of either gender you will be putting a steel chain link around their legs and padlocking it, how very liberal of you!

  11. I thought Democrats wanted the government to stay out of their bedrooms.

  12. Where do you people come - I swear. I can't take this stupidity anymore..

  13. Don't be jealous, you'll find a boyfriend someday. Either that or a girlfriend...

  14. Spiritial Coach chick is an idiot.. as are you.  People (YES even christians) are imperfect.  they mess up.. it happens.. the test is in how we handle our failings.  again.. youre both idiots.

  15. She looks like a fool wanting people to be abstinate & having a pregnant 17 year old. They all look like fools. McCain with his story when people want to come home from Iraq not hear his 50 year old story. What can McCain do? He is making money from this war with Haliburton construction contracts. I know Obama is going to win & we have to all be involved for now on cause Clinton did his job & we were too relaxed & so we ended up with the past 8 years of h**l...I don't want her for VP cause she is not an intellect.

  16. Will she campaign for abstinence programs since it's clearly so successful?

  17. Well since Obama's mama couldn't keep her legs closed why would we want him as President ?  BTW I'll bet you $10 your parents could keep your legs closed either

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