
If Palin were a Democrat, wouldn't her daughter have already aborted her baby so she wouldn't be punished?

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  1. I was just thinking the same thing. There probably has been plenty of pregnant teens throughout the years in the Democratic party, but they probably had abortions and no one ever knew about it. So now, Palin and her daughter are being insulted for doing what is right...go figure?

  2. What you guys don't ever seem to understand is that it is the difference between what a person claims to believe and what they actually do that gets everyone ticked off.

    If you say you don't believe in owning guns, and we find a gun at your house, that will tick us off. If you are an NRA member, then it won't tick us off. See?

    So when Sarah Palin says she is for family values and a strict conservative who home schools her children and teaches abstinence, then we find out her daughter is pregnant...see?

  3. ... no.

    being a democrat does nothing other than open up the possibility of getting an abortion

    not all democrats have abortions even if they do support leaving the choice open.

  4. If it were Obama's daughter, he would have hoped so - by his own words.

  5. Well a teenage baby momma in the white house, this should be interesting.  And Palin just had a baby a few months ago and that child all ready is about to be an aunt/uncle.  lol

  6. Maybe... But the daughter of a Conservative Republican should not be a teenage mother. Shouldn't she be abstinent?

  7. Are you serious? Do you actually believe the political party someone claims gives you some kind of accurate insight into their character, or are you just starting a fight so you can sit back and watch everyone tear each other up? Did you run out of ways to irrationally pigeonhole people or something? Judging people because they listen to a certain type of music, or band get too boring for ya?

    Got news for you, plenty of "Republicans" have gotten abortions, and plenty of "Dems" have NOT gotten abortions. This kind of mindless political polarization is exactly what's going wrong with our country, but people are too busy yelling "Go Team! (as long as it's MY team)" to see that.

    Grow up will ya?  

  8. "If you say you don't believe in owning guns, and we find a gun at your house, that will tick us off. If you are an NRA member, then it won't tick us off. See?"

    So, does Carl Rowan tick you off?  You know Carl.  Liberal columnist in DC. He's all for gun control, then goes and shoots a teenager who swam in his pool without permission.

    Are you aware that gun-control advocates Charles Schumer and Diane Feinstein both have "unrestricted carry" permits? Yeah, she packs a .357 Magnum.

  9. No, She would be putting her children first and not over a career to be raised on their own. Also, she would be talking to her about going to college and making something out of her life. Not here to talk about others.. I have a daughter 18 now.. bd was 8/31 she graduated 25th in her class of 800, honor student now at Texas Tech.. Not focused on Boys and focused on her Pre-Law program. She never had an abortion but has had a mom who has been there for her and keep her focused..

    That is what a DEMOCRATIC MOM DOES..  

  10. you know she would

  11. No but she may have been using birth control if her mother was not against it.  

    She teaches abstinence and doesn't want s*x ed taught in schools.

  12. If you look at the statistics (rather than GOP lies)--the rate of abortions among the conservatives is just as high as among liberals.

    In other words, no.

    And my dear, dear con friends with your oh-so-wonderful "family values" and "moral superiority"--its PALLIN'S kid that got her self knocked up in the back of a car and has a little bast**d on the way, not a liberals.

    So don'd start throwing stones--you are living in a glass house.

    BTW: just a bit of advice here:

    There is NO WAY  the cons are going to "spin" their way out of this one. McCain is toast and you might as well save your breath.

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