
If Palin were a man or a Pro Choice Woman, would she still?

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be "bashed" as badly?




  1. unfortunately if she were pro choice she would be bashed even worse.

    if she were a man im sure about the same amount of bashing would go on. (if she were in the same situation as a man)

  2. people are just jealous cause she is hot

  3. If she were a Repulican. She could be a saint and Liberals would still hate her. Thats what they do. They hate. Read their comments. I know that some Republicans do it too, but Liberals do it more by far.

  4. If she were a man and held the same opinions then I would hope so. Perhaps she is being subjected to more scrutiny for being a woman. We live in a world dominated by sexism and racism.

    But Sarah Palin would be the last politician on earth to defend the sisterhood.

    So why should the sisterhood defend her?

    And if she were a pro-choice woman she would be part of the sisterhood. And a totally different person.

    So, probably not.


  5. No way!  

  6. Just exactly like Larry clark

    we didn't care if he was g*y

    its that he was AGAINST g**s

    Palin has made it a career mantra preaching to women to teach their children abstinance

    If it had been Chelsea Clinton (you know the young lady that McCain was tellingUGLY jokes about )(andd you folks didn't come to rescue her)

    Chelsea's preganacy would have been hailed by all of the RIGHT WINGERS as

    proof of immoral parents

  7. If ... if... if...why can't you conservatives live in the "real" world and not some world of hypotheticals?

  8. good point star for you!

    Blue Collar for McCain/Palin

  9. 1 - if she were pro-choice, she would not have been selected to be the Republican VP

    2 - if she were a man, she would not have been selected to be the Republican VP this year.

  10. Of course not. The mainstream media loves pro-choice candidates because they are nothing more than an arm of the Democratic party.

    They would never suggest that a man should stay home and devote his time to a new baby, but she's getting grief over this - grief from a party that celebrates working women as the only valuable women in the country.

    They just can't stop contradicting themselves. It's funny.


  11. If Palin were a man as McCain's VP pick:

    He'd still come under harsh scrutiny, even moreso they'd be classified as the old Bush duo, nothing new, easier to scrap at.

    If Palin were a pro-choice woman:

    it'd be very surprising being as she'd be a Rep pick by McCain with that stance, and she'd probably get more bashing from her own side then -- both of them would, rather than it coming from the left side.

  12. No if she were a Dem & her daughter was having an abortion the Libs would be falling all over themselves to elect her.  Especially if she didn't have the executive experience that Sarah has.  Pretty sad I say.

  13. She's not. Who's bashing her? McCain's the one who chose her.  

  14. Yes - it's politics.

  15. Yea, if the man was involved in trooper-gate, baby-gate1, baby-gate2, bridge-to-nowhere-gate, AIP-gate, DUI-gate and the "i don't know what a VP even does" video.

  16. That wouldn't change what she has done in the past. The answer is no.

  17. They don't have any real ammo so they hit her husband on a DUI twenty years ago and her daughter for be pregnant out of wedlock. Big deal. Its the drinking that makes fishing tolerable and how many of us were not having s*x at 17yrs anyway. At least she is going to keep it, after all she could have aborted it and nobody would have known.

  18. Straight up she has almost no experience! That is why, not b/c she is a women or Pro Choice.. ( in which I am not crazy about.. let people live their lives it doesn't effect you!) That is my opinion.. Others may be attacking her, but surely not b/c she is a women.. Hilary was a women and TONS of people supported her. including me. That is the way it is, people have diff. opinions, don't try and blame it on superficial reasons.  

  19. Of course! She's a republican!

  20. Yes, she is still inexperienced.  The problem is not that she is anti-abortion it is that she is ANTI-BIRTH CONTROL.  That is why her teenage daughter is pregnant.  Palin promotes pre-marital s*x and teenage pregnancy.  The republicans have the nerve to say that is how regular American Homes operate, NOT MINE!!!!

    *Democrats do not want Palin's daughter to have an abortion, what an IGNORANT,STUPID thing to say.

  21. Ask Obama, dummy

  22. Yes.

  23. Yes.  The woman blatantly lied during her acceptance speech.  Not only did she support the bridge to nowhere funding, she kept the 200 million after she found out Alaskans would have to pony up a few more million.  Now that's more than just flip-floping, it is lying stealing Governor.

  24. she reall isnt getting bashed too bad its the 17 year old girl the cowards are taking it to  

  25. Probly not the liberals claim the Right is a smear machine but look at the smaear machine of the left it huge.

  26. Of course. Simply because she doesn't have a longevity of experience and hasn't done anything spectacular. She still has the investigation thats carrying baggage and the fact that she has too much going on in her family that she has enough going on already.

    She was not a good pick.  

  27. If Jesus Christ returned to earth to became the Republican candidate and chose Buddha as his running mate the Democratic Machine would vilify him.  

    Move and other radical liberal groups would find all kinds of ways to smear them.  The news media would report every negative that the Libs spewed as facts, and not show any stories that showed Jesus and Buddha in a positive light.  

    So yes it does not matter who the Republican candidate is they will be bashed by the mainstream media, by Hollywood and the radical left.  Those groups have double standards, anything their guys does is OK, yet every minor blemish on the Republican side is exaggerated and pushed,

  28. As a republican yes. They would of called a bad women for choosing to keep the baby with Down Syndrome.  

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