
If Peyton Manning win another Super Bowl, will he be considered a better QB than Danny Wuerfful???

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Wuerfful after all did win a Heisman Trophy and did beat Manning three straight times in college when Florida destroyed Tennessee..




  1. shoot, ryan leaf is better than both those bums put together!!

  2. He's still probably better than Wuerfful

  3. Danny WHO?

  4. No one can ever be as awesome as Danny Awful! I hope you and your boy don't ever run into him at Oceaniare's. That would be a bad bad thing.

    EDIT: This got me thinking Murdock...why don't we see you out on the field anymore? I really miss your game man....

  5. Yes, he will be

  6. Do you mean Danny Wuerfful,the one that works at Walmarts as assistant stock boy

  7. I am from Florida and Danny was one darn good of a player in College but he did not last long in the NFL but Peyton Manning may have not been as good as a player one on one because it could be the fact that Florida had a better defense of line at the time being but Payton Manning lasted a hole lot longer in the NFL were it is a lot harder at the and as for Danny not so long but I would say he is a better QB  

  8. This is a terrible question, Manning is 1700X better than Wuerful, as a pro.

  9. Hey, i thought i told you that it was time for you to make fun of the raiders? Why did you stop making fun of the raiders? (your favorite team). Mr Murdock this is very dissapointing.

  10. Peyton is already considered a better QB then Danny Wuerfful.  Danny reinforces how over rated the heisman is in judging "NFL ability."  To much of the Heisman is based on popularity, an image, and overall success of the team.

  11. Murdock why do u ask these questions Danny Wuerfful? Yes he was great in college but so was chris leak where's he at now the cfl?

  12. He's considered the best, or second (depending on your opinion) in the league right now.

    And the chances of a Superbowl victory is slipping away.

    Marvin's wearing down, Peyton's got knee surgery.

  13. u mean THE danny wuerfful???the one people have never herd of???heck im not even sure i could find him if i googled him...HOLEY COW he won a heisman!!and never played in the nfl...ill say the 1st balet hof is better

  14. The only Manning can be better if he can travel back in time and beat Wuerfful head-to-head.  Manning is overrated and hyped up by the media.  Aaron Rogers is better than Manning.

  15. I am sorry, but I've never heard of this person.  Actually, I'm not sorry because this guy probably sucks!  I have never heard of this person, and in all reality, Peyton Manning was probably better than Danny Whatever, his first day playing.

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