
If Pluto is in a Virgo 2nd house TRINED by a Taurus Sun and Mercury from the 10th. Is that good financially?

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If Pluto is in a Virgo 2nd house TRINED by a Taurus Sun and Mercury from the 10th. Is that good financially?




  1. Here is a description if you are talking about Pluto trine sun and mercury:

    The relationship of the Sun-Pluto trine is potentially quite harmonious, and you should have the ability to concentrate and apply your willpower, coupled with the option of a regenerative transformation which may be necessary to achieve self-integration and your chosen aims.

    There will be less influence by the undermining quality of the Pluto energy, provided that you utilise your natural gifts in socially acceptable ways. You are able to make maximum use of innate resources, turning them to your advantage to achieve your goals. You will display a social awareness, and will feel attracted to applying your talents towards improving the social environment. Your ability to have a natural insight into resolving problems in the most effective manner can lead to a possible career or vocation in challenging problem-solving areas. You will have certain financial skills and a logical and deductive mind, preferring to tackle projects where you can reclaim order from chaos. This gives a sense of satisfaction, as you dislike chaos and a lack of structure; you want to be in control and create an ordered harmony in your life and environment.

    You have the potential to be a spokesperson or leader, where your vitality gives the impression of purposeful direction, and your optimistic and inspiring creative expression can attract support. This occurs naturally, without the usual Pluto desires for power and manipulative influencing of others; indeed, you have little compulsive desire to be an authoritative leader.

    There can be an intuitive ability which offers you clear insights into situations, possibly even a degree of clairvoyance, which any exploration into yoga, meditation and ways of self-discovery could release and amplify. There may be a healing energy from you, possibly aiding others who can absorb excessive energy releases from you on an unconscious level, and you can be a reliable support to anyone who requires aid in resolving problems.

    You may benefit from what appears to be 'luck' in your life; this can come from inheritances, or by the ill fortune of others. You have considerable creative potential, but to release this fully you may have to experience some inner transformation which dissolves any blocks which are initially frustrating your success. This involves learning how to use this aspect to full advantage. Assuming that you are able to channel this energy towards socially beneficient results, and ensuring that you do not try to evade facing and resolving any important personal problems that arise - within yourself or within a relationship - then you should experience few of the traditional difficulties associated with an unintegrated Pluto energy; which, for many people, could be considered a blessing. Certainly, Pluto, can be very co-operative with your solar aims, although much of this support may lie deeper in your unconscious mind and may not always be recognised. At least unresolved Plutonic patterns will not be subtly influencing and distorting your choices and experiences in an attempt to come to your attention.

    The energy of the trine aspect can often be too 'rarified' to be fully used, as it is too subtle to be correctly grasped and applied by many people. Its natural affinity tends to be towards higher science or metaphysics, where the interface between mind and reality is explored and understood in terms of consciousness and energy. It relates more to a trained intellect working in spheres of abstract conemplation, or the ocnnection between the intuitive flash of direct 'knowing' and the grounding through intellectual earthing in a pragmatic application.

    In the everday world, you will find that your main preoccupation will be with developing the ability to concentrate, to improve the use of your mind and ways of expressing yourself. Unlses you are able to achieve the higher flights of this aspect, you will have to ground the energy in more mundane concerns, endeavouring to channel it by determined concentration. Otherwise, it tends to fly high and make you a little scatterbrained and mentally undisciplined.

    The unknown will fascinate you though, and you wil be curious to explore more; but ensure that you are fully grounded before commencing. You are likely to be quite inventive in your ideas, potentially quite creative if you have enough control over your mind to exploit them fully and effectively. The Mercury energy will give you analytical and investigative skills which can be turned to your advantage; but you will have to guard against the tendency to believe that you know it all.

    You enjoy the challenge of competition; and you always intend to win. Failure leads you to brood and to scheme your next move; and here the Pluto energy implies manipulation to undermine your challengers; mentally, you can hve a ruthless streak that people may not expect. You prefer full involvement and participation in things; you need to be interested enough so that a process of absorption can occur for a full experience; and if this is not happening, then your contribution rapidly dwindles to being less than zero, even becoming negative as you begin to look for ways out to find a new, more promising area to explore. You find it hard to motivate yourself in such a situation.

    In personal relationships, you can be a little authoritarian, especially as you believe that you have a clear sense of 'right and wrong' and can become fixed in your attitudes. You are able to penetrate through social appearances into people, to sense their true attitudes and motives. this guides you in life, both to be wary of some, and to work with tohers whose genuine potential you are able to stimulate. This can lead to an involvement with co-ordinating groups where your energy serves both to stimualate new thinking and to open it out to new insights entering the group, or new ways of applying current ideas in practical application. You can be a little too mentally self-absorbed, and lack the sense of social concern and responsibility that the Pluto energy amplifies in most people who are responding to its lighter side.

    Ideally, your personal partners should be basically similar in mind and attitude to yourself. This is because your energy qualities do not mix easily with the opposite and conflicting views, and if you do enter into a relationship with someone of dissimilar views, then much time will be spent in direct confrontation, generally leading to its collapse. You will be willing to pour a lot of energy into a positive partnership, but you will also have high standards and expectations of your mate; choosing wisely is the key, through awareness of your own nature and knowledge of what is compatible with it.

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