
If Princess Diana were alive here today, do you think she would be proud or afraid...?

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of Harry being in the British Armed Forces serving in Afganistan?

Do you think he'd even be there right now if she were here?

Princess Diana stood for so much, nation wide, as she toured the world abroad in attempts to stop landmines, for those who don't know.




  1. i think she would be both very proud and very afraid, as all mothers must be when their sons go on active service. the poor kid was only 13 when she died, all the privilege in the world cant make up for having no mum.

  2. Diana, Princess of Wales would be proud of her son and support his decision.  She would share the burden of many parents and would always be concerned for his safety.

    best of luck to you!

  3. Mother Teresa was A far better person in my eyes than Princess Di Ever was.

    They Died only days apart I think The World was so caught up with the whole Princess Di thing and her death that no one even cared about Mother Teresa.

    The previous summer Princess Di was asked to travel to Ireland on a peace trip there, but later refused, instead ended up on a luxury ship in the Mediterranean cavorting with Dodi Al fad.........

    Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, died on September 5, 1997, in her convent in India. She was 87. Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910 in Skopje, Yugoslavia, she joined the Sisters of Loreto in 1928. She took the name "Teresa" after St. Teresa of Lisieux, patroness of the Missionaries.

    Mother Teresa gained worldwide acclaim with her tireless efforts on behalf of world peace. Her work brought her numerous humanitarian awards, including : the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. In receiving this award, Mother Teresa revolutionized the award ceremony. She insisted on a departure from the ceremonial banquet and asked that the funds, $6,000 be donated to the poor in Calcutta. This money would permit her to feed hundreds for a year. She is stated to have said that earthly rewards were important only if they helped her help the world’s needy.

    Mother Teresa stood for so much, nation wide, as she toured the world abroad . 100 countrys in a year in her eightys as sick as a dog  in attempts to save & help the poor in Calcutta, for those who don't know.

  4. I think she would be proud of the fact that he wants to be there, but she'd try to prevent him from actually being there.

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