
If Prophet Haroun a.s. was the successor of Prophet Musa a.s. and the leader of his people then why?

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If Prophet Haroun a.s. was the successor of Prophet Musa a.s. and the leader of his people after the death of Prophet Musa, then wasn't Imam Ali a.s. the rightful successor and true leader of the Ummah after the Holy Prophet pbuh?

Didn't the Holy Prophet pbuh say to Imam Ali a.s. "Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Aaron was to Moses?"




  1. This is a copy paste worth reading :)

    It was Friday 13th of Rajab 30 Amulfeel Hazrat Fatima binte Asad, the wife of Hazrat Abu Talib entered the precincts of the Kaaba and prayed to Allah saying O’my protector ease my pain.’All of a sudden the wall of the Kaaba opened up and she, as if by some unseen force went inside the Kaaba and the wall closed. Ali (AS) the youngest son of Abu Talib was born inside the Holy Kaaba. She stayed inside for three days. On the 3rd day she came out through the door and Muhammad was waiting outside. She told Muhammad (SA) that the boy had not taken any milk. Muhammad gave him the first feed from his mouth and afterwards asked his uncle Abu Talib that he wished to adopt the baby. Ali entered the house of Muhammad from the very first day of his birth. Ali’s mother Fatima binte Assad Also lived there who looked after his own son as well as Muhammad(SA) so much so that later the Holy Prophet used to say that she was like his own mother.

    Wherever Muhammad(SA) went Ali(AS) was with him all the time. Even in the Mountain of Hira when Muhammad (SA)went for meditation Ali(AS) went with him most of the time. Sometimes they stayed on the mountain for 3 or 4 days. Some times Ali (AS) took his food their. In Nehjul Balagha Ali(AS) said that “ I used to go with the Holy Prophet like the baby camel goes with his mother.”

    In history there were numerous occasions when the Holy Prophet designated Ali as his Deputy and successor after him. From the moment of Zulasheera to the time of the conquest of Khyber and the occasion of the battle of Tabuke the Holy Prophet made it abundantly clear that no one deserved more than Ali to be his Deputy and successor. But at the time of Ghadeer this was clearly ordered by Allah through a clear verse revealed on the Prophet. The Verse said,

        "O’ apostle; proclaim the whole of that which hath been sent down to thee from thy Lord, for if thou dost it not, it will be as if thou hast not at all performed the duty of His Prophethood. And God will protect thee from evil men, verily God guideth not the unbelievers.” ( Sura 5 : V.67.)

    The occasion was after the last pilgrimage in 10th Hijri. The Prophet delivered his Sermons on Mount Arafat, had the final rounds of the Kaaba and left for Madina. More than 120,000 pilgrims were coming out with him from Makka going to the North. Half way through their journey where the routes were separated for various pilgrims, the Holy Prophet ordered the whole caravan to halt. All those who went ahead were called back and for those who were behind they waited for them to arrive. The place was Ghadeer, near the pool of water. That is why it was named Ghadeer-e-Khom. When all assembled at this place the Holy Prophet stood up on top of the pulpit and said, "O’people, shortly I shall be called towards my creator where I shall have to give an account as to how I have conveyed His message to you and you in your turn will be asked as to how you have accepted and carried out the teachings. Now tell me what you will say”. Thereupon all the pilgrims declared as one man, "O’Apostle of God, we testify and declare that you have conveyed the message of God fully, you have strived your utmost to guide us to the Right Path and taught us to follow it. You were most kind to us and you never wished for us but our good, may God repay you for all that." After that the Prophet said, "Do you not testify that there is no god but Allah,that Muhammad is His creature,His servant, and His apostle, that there is the Heaven and the h**l,that death will over take every one of you,that you will be brought back from your graves that the Day of Judgement will surely dawn and human beings will be resurrected from their graves to account for their deeds. The whole crowd declared in unison, "We believe and testiy all this." Hearing this the Apostle declared, "I am leaving amongst you two most important things worthy of obedience, the Qur’an and my progeny (Ahlulbayt). Take care how you treat them, they will not separate from each other till they reach me at the fountain of Kauser.” Then he said, “ The Almighty God is my Lord (Maula) and I am the Lord of all muslims and have more right and power on their lives than they themselves. Do you believe in this assertion of mine?" They all in one voice replied “ Yes O’Apostle of God. Three times he asked the same question and three times he received the same affirmative reply. At this solemn affirmation he said, “Hear and remember that to whomever I am Lord or Maula, Ali is the Lord and Maula to him. He is to me what Aron was to Musa. The Almighty God be a friend to his friends and a foe to his foe, help those who help him and frustrate those who betray him. While saying this he raised Ali High over his shoulders in order to be seen by all the muslims assembled there. Thereupon the Holy Prophet received the final revelation: "This day I have perfected your religion for you and have filled up the measure of my bounties upon you and I am pleased with Islam to be your Deen,"(religion) (Sura 5 :V 3 ).

    After performing this ceremony and receiving the above revelation the Holy Prophet came down from the pulpit and ordered a tent to be erected. In this Ali (AS)was made to take his seat and all muslims were ordered to pay homage to him and address him as Amirul Momeneen (Lord of the faithful) The first person to congratulate and address him as such was Omar Ibne Khattab saying, “I congratulate you, O’Ali, today you have become my Maula and Lord and Lord of every muslim man and woman. 1.

    The event of Ghadeer was on 18th of Zilhijja 10th Hijri, immediately after the last pilgrimage by the Holy Prophet. He then arrived back in Madina and lived only for 70 days after the event.(130 Prominent Companions of the Holy Prophet narrated this Hadith including the first three Kholafa-e-Rashidoon)

    The year 11th AH was the saddest year for Ali.(AS) He lost two of his best friends. One of whom he loved and venerated like a father, like a master and like a dearest friend, the Holy Prophet(SA) who died on 28th Safar 11th Hijri, exactly 70 days after the event of Ghadeer. His death followed by the death of his dearest companion his wife Fatima, the Lady of Light.

    Immediately after the death of the Holy Prophet who was buried by Ali (AS)with the help of his uncle Abbas and all the family of Bani Hashim, the news was given to Ali(AS) about the events at the Saqeefa that Abubakr was made Caliph. Abu Sofian heard the news came to Ali(AS) and told him that his Right was taken away from him. If he wishes, Abu Sofian would fill the city of Madina with horsemen to defend Ali’s Right of Khilafat. Ali’s reply was typical, he said,” since when you have become friends of Islam”, you want to create serious dissension amongst the muslims. You have always tried to harm Islam I do not need your sympathies or help.” Ali realized that any serious dissension at this stage would harm the cause of Islam. He had before him the example of Hodaibiya and he had been foretold by the Holy Prophet of all that would happen. Allama Ali Ibne Mohammed (630 AH) in his book Usdul Ghaba Vol iv page 31 says, The Holy Prophet had told Ali, your status is like that of Kaaba. People go to Kaaba but that August house never approaches anybody. Therefore after my death, if people come to you and swear the oath of allegiance you accept it and if they do not come to you then you do not go to them.”

    Ali’s love for Islam was so intense, he could not,for the sake of wordly rule, endanger Islam. He knew fully well that a civil war at this stage would give chances to the jewish tribes of Banu Nuzair and Banu Qoraiza on the one side, and the Byzantine armies in thnorth with the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) the new converts on the third side to simply take advantage of the situation. When they would find the muslims busy killing each other they would literally cut them to pieces and Islam would totally disappear as a message of peace. Ali’s utmost desire was to see Islam and the Arabs in one piece and wanted the enemies of Islam to realize that Islam was strong enough to defend itself as “Deen”. even after the demise of the Apostle of God.,He had another important job to complete that is the completion of the collection of Qur'an with its Tafseer (explanations) according to the instructions of the Holy Prophet. Qur'an as a bwas already completed by the Holy Prophet, many copies were made and circulated among the muslim communities all over the Islamic world. What Ali did in the next six months after the demise of the Holy Prophet was to collect all the explanations of the various verses, reasons behind their revelation and their full context. This monumental job he completed in six months and brought before the muslims in the city of the Prophet.Unfortunately this was ignored by the ruling party and Ali(AS) took it back with him.Their comment was "this is too bulky and people will not understand it.”

    The original remained with Ali (AS) all his life and then passed on to his son Hasan (AS) and then to Hussain (AS) which then continued with the Ahlulbayt of the Prophet. It is now with the 12th Imam (AS).

  2. Prophet Haroon (as) was NOT the successor of Prophet Musa (as).  

    Prophet Musa (as) lived longer than Prophet Haroon (as) and died AFTER Haroon (as).

    The Hadeeth you're referring to was specifically when the Prophet (sa) was going to battle but told Ali (rz) to stay behind.  When Ali (rz) got upset, the Prophet (sa) reassured him that you are to me as Haroon (as) was to Musa (as), except there is no Prophet after me.  

    "no Prophet after me" does not refer to timeline because Haroon (as) was NEVER a Prophet after Musa (as) timewise.  It referred to the time when Musa (as) went to the mountain for 40 days and left Haroon (as) in charge as a Prophet after him.

    However when the Prophet (sa) left Ali (rz) in charge after him when he went to battle, he was simply stating that unlike Haroon (as), Ali (rz) is not a Prophet.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. May the curse of Allah (swt) be upon those who curse the companions of Rasul Allah (saaw).

  4. its a done deal...can you change it now ?

    why cant every one accept this fact..wasnt Ali 4th khalifah ?

    wasnt what every thing happend at that time WILL OF ALLAH ALLMIGHTY ?

    for how many more decades and milliniums you would regret this which was not your or any body's was WILL OF ALLAH, A DONE DEAL,NO One can EVER change that ..

  5. ok Rehan nice to see you

    please when the prophet said that i mean from where you got this Hadith please post the reference !!?

    and in Islam there is no successor the prophet is the last prophet and he finished the msg

    there is no prophet after him !!

    you shias like Qadiyanis believe that there is prophet after Muhammad(saw) and i know some shias belive that Gibreel made a Mistake and give the msg to the prophet instead of Ali  and i know that you all believe that the prophet didn't finish his msg and your 12 manmade imams finished it !

    so now Haroun(pbuh) was prophet

    so is Ali(ra) a Prophet ???

  6. finish the Prophets words you ....

    i cant stand people calling themselves Muslims and counter fitting his sayings.

  7. Mola is the ONLY rightful successor of RasoolAllah(s.a.w.s) those who disobeyed the Prophet(s.a.w.s) are surely doomed as they were none but liers and hypocrites

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