
If Pygmy chimpanzees in the genus pan does that mean they're a sub species of chimp?

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If Pygmy chimpanzees in the genus pan does that mean they're a sub species of chimp?




  1. Pygmy chimps are now called bonobos.  They are now listed as a separate species.  Which defies the definition of species.  Because bonobos could indeed mate with chimpanzee and produce viable young.  The reasons for this has to do with people, not the animal.  A few folks are insisting bonobo remain a different species.  In actuality their differences are minor, even the behavioral ones.  And only exist because the bonobos became isolated.  However, they have not been isolated long enough to evolve in to another species.

  2. No. Belonging to the same genus does not make two animals the same species - for example, the tiger and lion both belong to the genus Panthera, but as I'm sure you are aware they are different species. It is the second part of the animal's scientific name which denotes species - for example, the full scientific names for the tiger and lion are Panthera tigris and Panthera leo. A subspecies is denoted by a third name - for example, the Siberian tiger, a tiger subspecies, would be Panthera tigris altaica, as opposed to another subspecies, let's say the Bengal tiger, whose scientific name is Panthera tigris tigris.

    The chimpanzee's scientific name is Pan troglodytes, whilst the bonobo or pygmy chimp's is Pan paniscus - they are different species in the same genus. Despite what Jim says, there are more than enough differences between the two, both physical and social, to place each in a separate species. Chimps are larger, more heavily-built and much more aggressive, living in male-dominated groups. Bonobos are smaller and more slender, and live in female-dominated groups which rarely show aggression - they maintain relationships by mating frequently with all members of their group, regardless of age or s*x.

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