
If Queen Elizabeth is head of the Anglican Church, can't she do something to reign in Archbishop Williams?

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The man is daft.




  1. She is only titular head. If you read what Archbishop Williams said he wasn't advocating a separate set of laws for Muslims. He was saying if both parties AGREE then certain matters could be heard by a Sharia court and their decision is final as long as it is within the laws of the land. This already happens with some Jewish civil matters. In Judaism the law of the land takes precedence but some Jewish people would rather go in front of a Beth Din than a civil court and for a woman to remarry she needs a religious divorce.

  2. She's better at rei(g)ning in horses.....

  3. No.

    Most of Her Majesty's prerogative powers lie with the Prime Minister. He chooses the Archbishop of Canterbury. Once chosen, it's a life position.

    The Queen could publicly rebuke the Archbishop, or privately ask him to keep his mouth shut. The former would result in the Archbishop being embarrassed but unable to 'abdicate', the latter might very well result in his shutting up.

    I don't believe there's any precedent for the removal of an Archbishop. If there is, the Church of England would like to know ;)

  4. I guess she can. But she has advisors and all sorts who tell her what to do. And if she did then it would be made to look like he'd resigned probably. But I don't know.

  5. She ought to have his head severed from his shoulders!

  6. Queen or King can not and DO NOT make mistakes.

  7. The Queen is conservative and above the fray, knowing this too shall pass. The greater threat is from the African fundamentalists. The members of the the CoE  are madly riding off in all directions.

    The Canadian Anglican Church and the American Episcopalians should schism from  the CoE. I nominate Thomas Harpur to lead the new Canadian church  and Shelby Spong to lead the new American church.

  8. Th Queen is titular head of the Church;she really can't do anything about the Archbishop on her own with out causing further problems.

  9. Officially, no, but I bet she could totally frost him by giving him a dirty look at some dinner party. Have you seen her when she looks mad? Scary

  10. her title is just symbolic askhenry the 8th

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