
If REX asks Sara how she would feel if Darnell walked....?????

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Angel... it has been TRIED on me .. lol

I give em what for ☺




  1. Well......What Rex does sort of swings in and out of the bullying brackets....He is more of a control freak...where he likes people to feel below him...but he just stop short of actually making them feel threatened.

    It's a very fine line though.

  2. You fool.

    I cannot be bothered to put up all of what was said but i will put some!

    Rex: Do you think he'll walk?

    Sara: no! why would he do that?

    Rex: you upset him last night

    Sara: and you think it's my fault if Darnell leaves?

    Rex: i think a lot of people would see it that way

    And it is bullying because he was also having a go at her for 'forgetting' something Darnell said to her! (he did later go on to say that he would have also gave the reply to darnell that sara gave about forgetting!)

    And Mo is his little pathetic sidekick!

    Mikey was bang on with what he said


  3. it was out of order the way mikey and sara ( not lisa she didnt say anything) victimised rex last night. rex defended darnell with mohammed but mikey jumped at the chance to try to make rex look bad and sara joined in .

    EDIT: the person who called u a fool, have they watched any other episodes off bb9? have they seen the way sara treated darnell. yes she never called him ugly , but her actions can be more painful than words.

  4. Sara wasn't bothered by Rex's question and was shocked when Rex said he'd been told off by BB again. She was wound up by Mikey and then she lied - she did go out for a cig with Rex (even tho she denied it later) so she can't have been too upset.

  5. she never went in and said i'm being bullied she said she was fine she could and would cope but there is a way to say thing without being a bully i'm glad he got pulled he is a bully and everyone can see that it might not be your opinion but it is mine and a lot of other peeps there is no need to pick on anyone as you well know it has happened to you often enough and its not fair when all we are doing is having a bit of fun

  6. They kept him in for the controversy to boost the ratings. If they'd been worried about his behaviour & attitude towards the other housemates they would have reprimanded him WEEKS ago. They must have had complaints from the public before now , the sly conniving b@stards !!!

  7. I don't think BB used the word 'bulling' did they? I am sure BB said "your behaviour is being monitored".

    How I saw it was Rex was trying to make Sara feel like she was to blame if Darnell walked. He didn't ask any of the other HM's how THEY would feel if Darnell walked ..... he only targeted Sara.

    It's not bullying though.

  8. FFS Rex is a prick, always has been alweays will be, like you say doc, why TF are BB drawing attention to that fact now????????

  9. I think they must have picked it up as emotional blackmail so as Rex was trying to make Sara feel bad for making Darnell leave, even though he didn't leave, and trying to guilt trip her and making her feel bad, which was a slight exageration  from big brother, but hey, it got Rex annoyed so who am I to complain

  10. If BBs going to become a Kindergarten, where Hm's cant argue and express an opinion then there really isn't any point in the show. It all goes back to Shilpa rubbish, no one can be seen to be bullied, and an oversensitive public see everything as bullying. The producers are petrified that the show will be taken off air, with the rest of media (who always been jealous of a "low brow" with such a following) stoking the fire.And Mps like Keith Vaz using it for their own political advantage. Not to mention Makosi attempts at legal action, when she was supposed to have been bullied. If the show has to tread on egg shells, there really isn't any point anymore. To much outside pressure from people who don't like or understand BB.

  11. no its not bullying

  12. i think you need to take your earplugs out and remove your steamed up glasses. how can not see it like it is??

    edit: maybe this is not bullying. to be honest, she could easily have stood up for herself but rex tries to mask everything he says as a joke. he's just a nasty person by nature

  13. Darnell and Rex ganged up on her before that, they'd warned him about it and he started again, the torment as a whole is bullying. If that one was of your friends in there being treated like that you'd see it as bullying.

  14. rex kept blaming her when he was called into the diary room and warned about his behaviour - he had no right to confront sara about big brothers warning. also the guys seemed to ganged up on her coz darnell fancies her and she doesnt fancy him - they dont seem to understand u cant get a gal to fancy someone if she is not attracted to him. darnell has taken the fact sarah doesnt fancy him by callin her names and suggesting shes a **** - all out of order!

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