
If Reagan assumed office tomorrow what would he do?

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Of course we all know this is only a theoretical question, expecting only theoretical answers due to the fact that the constitution has been ammended to keep someone from serving 3 terms... and due to the fact that he is no longer alive.




  1. Since the only way he could do that is if he were a zombie, I'd think he would eat your brains.....

  2. resign the next day ... he shouldn't have to deal with the problems that Bush made ...

  3. start running democrats out of office

  4. Reagan was one of the worst presidents.

  5. He would seek to lower taxes to allow some degree of economic recovery which would lead to greater tax receipts (something Democrats never seem to comprehend).  Tax receipts rose by $100's of billions following the "Bush tax cuts for the rich" and Reagan would continue to prime the pump.  He would also need to veto Congressional waste and excess (how else does one explain a doubling of the budget over the last 10 years).  Reagan would give Congress a well-needed spanking.

  6. Drill offshore.

    Cut Taxes.

    Cut subsidies for corn ethanol.

    Close the borders -with a fence.

  7. Speaking hypothetically now,  the two most significant things

    Ronald Wilson Reagan would do if he returned to office now


    1)  Stink horribly.

    2) Confound medical science.

  8. Probably have a heart attack by default because the Republican Party he left in the late 1980s is not the party that is currently in existence; I'm not so sure he would be the best military leader for today's world because he is notable for defeating the Soviets, which were a formerly conventional military force, not a rogue, loosely-associated band of terrorists.....I don't think he would cut it....times have changed....Reagan's world died a long time ago...figuratively and literally.....furthermore...he would have a lot of questions to answer because our current "war on terror" has its roots in much of Reagan's decisions in the 1980s.....we trained them, we armed them, and now we have to figure out how to defeat them.....all thanks to the Reagan administration.

  9. Zombie Reagan is even scarier than real Reagan. Thanks a lot I am going to be up all night.

    I assume he would keep running up the national debt, (In 1981, when Reagan took office, the federal debt was about $700 billion. in 1988, it was over $2 trillion) giving tax breaks to the very rich (trickle down economics - which never worked in reality) and shafting  the middle class...So, same as usual.

  10. Begin a new Reign of Terror, unfathomable in the days of good old GW Bush.

  11. He would stand at attention, place his hand over his heart, and sing the national anthem.

    Then he would increase military spending, which we need to do to stay safe and secure.

  12. Probably drool his apple sauce while waiting for Nancy to consult her astrologers.

    Then he'd order Ollie to make a deal with Iran to trade them nuclear weapons technology for their promise to release any hostages they may be holding.

    Then he'd order a strike from our lasers in space, wait a minute, we don't have lasers in space???

    Mr. Gorbachev, gimme some more jelly beans!

  13. Reagan wasn't the super macho conservative that conservatives remember him as...

    illegal immigration flourished under him...

    he never did really start any wars... even with the huge threat of the soviets...

    I think he would probably not "end" the war in Iraq... but he would kind of "ease up on it"... quietly... that spending is killing us...

    taxes are already very low, I seriously doubt he would further lower them...

    and he would probably work out some under the table deal to get oil prices he did to free the hostages...

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