
If Republicans/Conservatives are the Violent and irrational ones of the bunch, tell me why?

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Why were liberal protestors wigging out at the Republican Convention? Do these people not realize that it only furthers our theory that they do not want peace....they want their way....and if they don't get it, they will throw temper tantrums like children? You prove our point for us. Complete and total hypocrites. How can any person in their right mind claim that John McCain is against the Veterans of this country? Really people, have your heads examined.




  1. Those protesters represented liberals the way that the Klan represents conservatives.

    There are lunatics and a-holes at all ends of the spectrum.

  2. Cause the police are using more brute force.

    The Republican Convention was heavily insured so the police were free to do what they want.

  3. Amen to that! you hit it right on the head!!! god help the USA if obama gets in office!!!

  4. Peaceful protesting and the 'right to assemble' doesn't involve slashing tires, breaking windows and throwing bleach in people's eyes...I guess the liberals missed that somehow.

    These 'peaceful protesters' aren't going to be so 'peaceful' when they end up getting someone killed, and protesting is restricted because of them.

    The protesters at both the DNC and the RNC have been Democrats...Republicans don't behave that way

    Those people are an embarassment to our country...I have no problem with peaceful demonstrating (legal protesting), but there is a time and a place for it (pretty much ANY time or place where our candidates are NOT scheduled to address our country)

    Interrupting the candidates during their speeches does NOT get the protesters' voices heard, it only gets them arrested, and they KNOW that...They aren't trying to be heard when they do this, they are only showing their immaturity and disrespect for other people and our country...Attention seekers, that's all they are, and it damages their cause, it doesn't help it

  5. People think this because conservatives have a history of dishonest behavior: invading countries, illegal firings, spying on US citizens, dealing weapons to dictators and other crazy things.

    You can thank Rove, Cheney, Bush, Bush Sr, Nixon, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh for painting a skewed and horrid picture of the republican party.

    I'm not saying that liberals are better... they just arn't as... dishonest.  

  6. say it sister!

    they scream "you're a HATER !!" as they throw acid on you.  WTF?

  7. yes---you are exactly right----and it brought last years Fiasco's in France to mind.

  8. your not very smart are you.

  9. There's a difference between real protesters who are peaceful and fake protesters who are just causing trouble.  The media only focuses on the latter because they learned from the past that protesting can stop wars.

  10. Good luck getting a straight answer from the loony left.  They are more "enlightened" than the rest of us and it's up to them to force us to see the error of our ways.  For a group of people renowned for their tolerance, they sure have a strange way of displaying their tolerance.  

  11. They are not. As you pointed out the liberals are the ones that have issues.

  12. Republicans are peaceful. Bush invaded Iraq to establish democracy. Perhaps we can invade every dictatorship on the planet and establish democracracy there too!!! Yay, democracy!!!!!!!

  13. Actually there are many veterans that are against John McCain.  

  14. I don't know why democrats think its cool to set fires in the street like its f-ing planet of the apes

  15. thank you its about time! they say were violent and they go crazy n start fights because there always wrong i mean it must suck to be wrong all the time but they dont gotta fight over it  

  16. Look at McCain's voting record...he voted against a GI bill for the veterans.  There were vets at the convention with a banner that said:

    McCain votes against the veterans.

    He also votes against the senior citizens, the children (voted against health care) and women.  He voted against minimum wage increases.

    Protesting is not always violent.  

    Check out his voting record:

  17. Good description and I agree that protestors should stay home.

    McCain/Palin 08

  18. They aren't. Republicans are just manipulative and untrustworthy. They've earned the bad rep they now have.

  19. I think you confuse us with the anarchists.  

  20. Well, I would give you an answer to your question, but you've already said what I would have said.

  21. To be fair there were two groups at the RNC. One was the anti-war left and they were largely peaceful in their demonstrations. The other was self proclaimed anarchists. They are so far off the average political map that they don't even fall under the catagories of concervative or liberal. It was them who were perpetrating most of the violence and they themselves have no love for Obama or the Democratic party.

  22. I completely agree with you.  When I watched the protesters tonight, I didn't think anything about their cause, only that they were out of their minds and disrespectful to McCain and the others attending.

  23. Bananas come in bunches. With republicans you have a very green, hardbody banana, and one of those soft black squishy bananas. Which one you gonna put on your breakfast cereal?

    Clothing often bunches up. With the republican ticket you get ill-fitted Wal-Mart pantyhose bunching up, and you get support hose bunched up around your ankles.

  24. Check his voting record. You'll soon see.

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