
If Romanian people joined the Sioux religion, would you give them South Dakota?

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this question is at the root of our problems in the mideast

supposedly, G-d gave Israel to the Jews. But the only Jews who actually have roots to that period of time, are the Sephardic Jews.

Ashkenazi Jews, who are the dominent force in Israel today, actually decended from Khazars, who converted to judism around the 10th century in the area of the Ukraine

This is relevant, because we (the USA) are basicly going to wars to give these people the 'right' of this land over Palestinians, when in fact they have no ancestry to it.

It's as though Romanians converted to the Sioux religion, and calimed that the 'Great Spirit' gave South Dakota to them

And we had a powerfull nation back them up to take it from the people of South Dakota

And we wonder why the Mideast hates us.....




  1. The US did not give this place you call Palestine to the Jews. The League of Nations did it. And the Bedouins who owned it, agreed to this. Read some history. And open your mind.

  2. I'm from the UK but think the indigenous peoples have a right to their heritage in some way.

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