
If Romney had known earlier that Mccain is going to pick a women, do u think he would have changed his s*x?

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If Romney had known earlier that Mccain is going to pick a women, do u think he would have changed his s*x?




  1. Knowing Romney.. I wouldn't doubt

  2. McCain used Romney and that Pawlenty fella...played them like a banjo !

    He paraded them around the country for a week, as if they were competing for the job...... then he picks some 20 month Governor from Alaska that nobody has ever heard of !

    I bet Romney and Pawlenty, were pissssed off when they woke up this morning and turned on the tv.

  3. Who's to say that this Palin woman ISN'T Mit Romney as a woman...  Can't you see the resemblance?

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