
If Ron Paul Fails To Re-Unite The Republican Party In Sept. Do You Think He Will Try To Form A New Party?

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Called the "Liberty" party?

He already has over 55 thousand people signed on his Campaign for Liberty site:

And from what I understand about the movement it is a grass roots movement made up of "ALL" political parties dedicated to re-storing the U.S. Constitution as the "Supreme Law of the Land"!

Can this unite and energize Americans for a single cause?




  1. I'm voting for Obama But if he wasn't running my cards would be all in for RP. I think the guy has some great ideas. He's definitely going against the grain like no other. IF Bush didn't messed things up like he did we would still have a Republican in office. RP needs to start a new party and I will definitely push for what ever party he starts. Just hope I'm invited.

  2. I dont know if it was lack of funds, or a bad campaign Mgr. He never got nationwide coverage. His numbers never got high enough. He was and is the best choice, but if he cant beat an old f**t like McCain, He's not really trying. A grass roots 3rd party will not work(at least not now), especially since he cant even beat McCain. You would really have to have majority support to make that work. If he had that kind of support, he would have beaten McCain.

  3. I don't know about forming a new party, but you don't need to be a part of any particular party in order to fight for your freedoms and work to restore the Constitution.

    I certainly hope and pray that we can pull together to get this country back on track.

  4. Sure hope that he does----would join this party immediately----this is one of the only actions that will save our Nation as we know it.

  5. I think rather than form another party thus splitting a system that is already falling apart, it is more important to unify the people.  Parties be damned, it is within the people tha the power lies, accept when we forego it as we have of late.  THEY, the government, derive their JUST powers from the JUST.  We have to demand accountability from the public servants.  It is our responsibility as the people to be certain that the government isn't counteracting our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  If they are a detriment to that, as a whole, we need to and must make the decision to unite as a people, not as a party, to make the necessary changes whether that is to change or to abolish the government.

  6. Will Ron Paul try to form a new party?


    Could his "Liberty" party unite and energize Americans for a single cause?

    In some ways, perhaps.  The best that I would hope would be for his party to raise awareness on important issues but to not gain political power.  If it does so, I stick to my position that it will before long be "Liberty" in name only.

  7. I hope so, or switch to a pre existing one. Im even more excited about the campaign for liberty then his presidential bid.  This a great way to promote candidates who fit the bill.

    I cannot wait till the revolution march on July 12th. Naomi Wolfe is among the confirmed speakers.

  8. good lord, who cares about ron paul.  give it up already.

  9. I fiugre he'll probably go back to the Libertarian party.

  10. What's the big hubbub over Ron Paul?

    He's against g*y marriage, he's anti-abortion, he's an isolationist, he's for states rights (brought to you by slavery and segregation), he's for cutting funding to the EPA, Dept of Education, Dept of Transportation, and he's against social programs for the needy.

    Unless you are a libertarian, I don't understand his allure at all. I think most mistake him for a progressive when he clearly isn't one.

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