
If Ronald Reagan was still alive what would he think of George W Bush?

by  |  earlier

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He'd think he was a complete tw@t




  1. i wonder if that nice young man is going to change my diadie

  2. He'd probably think Bush initially had good intentions, but they went awry.

  3. That he should have stood up to backstabbing Congress members like Reid and Pelosi and put them in their place.

  4. Ronnie was not impressed with little georgie when he was alive, and I expect he would not think very highly of him today either, but like Ronnie little georgie was nothing but the front man(?) for the PNAC.  Ronnie did what he was told to do, as did little georgie.  Both were controlled from afar.

  5. I'm guessing - Helicopter, banana, Colt 45, Russia, hair dye, macaroon.

  6. I know what he'd think of Obama! I really don't care what he'd think cause  it's so irrelevant.

  7. I'd say they both have something very important

    in common... both were controlled and manipulated

    by George W Bush senior.

  8. If Ronald Reagan was still alive what would he think of George W Bush?

    He would ***** slap bush for giving America a black eye.

  9. Since Ronnie was a right wing dementia patient...I doubt he had a coherent thought about Bush or anything else.

    Bush is a puppet.  Nothing more.

  10. s t u p i d  c o w b o y  

  11. I agree with the questioners comments!The man is an incompetent fool!

  12. he would agree with his war on terror and tax cuts but would be opposed to his expansion of govt

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