
If Russia didn't calm down & we went to war, do you think they would get China on their side to fight us?

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And if they did - would we be screwed?




  1. China would never take sides. It will prefer to watch the US and Russia duke it out from the sidelines. China knows that whoever turned out to be the victor in a US-Russia war, the victor would surely emerge from the war severely weakened both militarily and economically. China can then exploit the situation without much challenge and opposition, and ends up being the sole superpower.

  2. No they wouldn't because that wouldn't be beneficial to the Chinese at all, and no we wouldn't be screwed it any case. Russia has nothing to shake at conventionally now and days, and China is stuck in their country, therefore useless.

  3. yes they would. But the U.S. would have the EU,Brazil,Japan,Australia and South Africa on our side, now whose stronger and dont forget Poland and Georgia

  4. very unlikely.  China would just be selling warring countries with their cheap boats, uniform, water coolers, light bulbs, all-weather lighters, soveneirs, "peace-not-war" and "don't-drag-taiwan-or-else. . . ." t-shirts.

  5. Why would china go to war with the US ?

    It would kill thier economy.

    Why would China join with the Russian ?

    Russia hates China and China hates Russia.

    You have any idea how many troops they have along thier border ?

    Plus, neither Russia or China, have the ability to invade the US.

    Neither has the Navy, transports or logestics capability.

  6. No, but if they did we would have been screwed. I don't thnk China would have gotten involved. It would have been in their best interest to let the U.S. and Russia duke it out and then they could waltz in and pick up the pieces. At any rate, China has too big of an investment in the U.S. to side with Russia.

  7. They would not want to do that as we are the largest economy and it would hurt there economy.

  8. no we would kick both there asses cuz where in the un and nato and they would do somthing and we are like bff with the uk and they help us alot

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