
If Russia invades Poland what will be the US response? What should it be?

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If Russia invades Poland what will be the US response? What should it be?




  1. I'd give them Poland France Iran Iraq,: have I missed any good ones.  I'd have a parade in Russia's honor.

  2. I would like to say that America will help but...There is the whole dept on America...America owes LOTS of money to Russia, do we dare act?

    Either way, I hope so because, I've hated the Russians since I can remember, they're dirt.

  3. We need to have a strong presence in the world specially now that these turds are trying to dominate the east like it once tried to do. Military and nuclear response should not be taken out of the questions.

  4. Poland is in NATO, so everyone is obligated to fight.  Germany and France just voted no to allowing Georgia into NATO and look what happened.  Russia would have never dared otherwise.  Thank you once again, Germany and France, you incredible losers.

  5. Nato would respond immediately, but this act would inevitably end in Nuclear war and the end of us all.

  6. Nothing:

    these other nations need to learn personal responsibility and learn to care for know, things that republicans like to preach so much here at home. But I guess foreign dependence on the state is okay, just not domestic with these folks.

    Americans should not have to die for any other nation besides the United States and we should stop supplementing the defense of nations who are rich enough to care for themselves.

    <-------left the GOP becuase I don't believe in big government.

  7. Poland is a NATO member. If anyone attacks any NATO member it is as if every NATO member were attacked. All of Europe would have to respond, as well as the US, Canada, Japan, etc.

  8. This question has already been answered by President Clinton who clearly stated that the American Nation will fight to the last European.  Russia no doubt  would like to say the same and both would most probably fight to the last European to achieve a foothold.

  9. Nothing. There is no oil in Poland.  

  10. We should destroy anything Russian that crosses the border, then destroy anything close to the border as well. We should have already taken out their entire navy. We should have booted their diplomats out of the US and have taken out our own and we should blockade them so they can only trade with China ... and if China did then we should apply the same to them.

    There is no way the world can tolerate the kind of c**p Hitler pulled on the idiot Europeans in the 1930s, and the Russians did to the area around them, in the 1920s, and 1960s. That kind of garbage should mean that your leadership brings economic destruction to your country until they get rid of you as a leader and bring you to justice.

    Some A-10s and F-22s with predator support would have made short work of those idiots. The Afghanies busted the Soviets up and gave them nightmares, and they are great fighters, but nothing like the best in the world, and the Russians are 3rd rate at best compared to US, UK, or Israeli forces. The very mentality of the Russian military troops is quite different than some of the top rate military forces in the world.  

  11. poland is a member of nato that means we fight.

  12. Russia will never invade Poland and if they do, it will not be so easy for Russia. All this nuclear talk from Russia is smoke and mirrors. New data in coming in now as we speak about Russia's military status in this Georgia attack and Russia is turning out to be a real joke. Georgia downed 10 Russian fighters. The Russian tanks and hardware is breaking down so bad at the moment in Georgia that the Russians are stripping Georgian military equipment for part to get their tanks up and running again. Russian forces are so undisciplined that they are looting banks against orders and shooting reporters. It turns out that Russia attacked Georgia when Georgia's head of defense as well as their top military commanders were vacationing. Russian's conventional forces and equipment is turing out to be a real joke as indicated through this small incursion. Without nukes, Russia wouldn't have anything worth talking about today. They have a first rate economy and a 4th rate military as it turns out.

  13. Stop them should be the US and NATO's immediate response.  

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