
If Russia or China wanted to place missiles in Mexico to protect themselves from ?

by Guest44725  |  earlier

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attacks from Rogue state as part of their defense and the defense of their allies, would the United States object? why?

Do you think the chinese or russians should know that this might anger the USA a bit ...and that we would not let that stand?

Actually thats sort of what the cuban missile crisis was about wasn't it?

I for one would not like to see Russian or chinese missiles in Tijuana that could reach my home town in seconds.




  1. to the guy that said "Plus the US would boycott all shipments from and products from china."

    This would never happen - because a HUGE amount of goods that we buy is from china (walmart alone is china's 6th largest trading partner!)

    We dont produce anything here in the states anymore, even our food is trucked in from mexico and south america.....not to mention that China holds half our out national debt....

  2. no because there are no rogue states in our hemisphere that threaten Russia

  3. It would be Exactly like the cuban missle crisis. Plus the US would boycot all shipments from and products from china.

  4. gooo!!! mexico!!1! i think the chrisis would stop if america werent so hard on immigrants... but dang im mexican ad i hate mexicans that make us look bad i mean im half american doesnt that count

  5. Who told you that your grandma??

  6. Yes it would.  I hope Obama, if elected, thinks twice about the agreement with Poland.

  7. The USA objects to anyone that is going to make them look weak. The only reason why we try to kiss Russia's butt is because we know not to mess with them! They have Iran and China on their backs. And if we ever do anything to make Russia mad, you better watch out!

    BTW, some trouble is about to start with Obama. You just wait and see. Can you say Communism?

  8. remember bay of pigs

  9. you americans need to take this stuff less seriously xDDDDD

    Alright first of all Mexico has been pretty much under the control of the US ever since Benito Juarez was president over here. We're not evil LOL. Americans basically have this country in total control.

    Don't compare us to Cuba LOL. America has Mexico under their control pretty much. I don't think that would ever happen.

    Also chill with the whole border thing. LOL. If Mexicans didn't go up to the US, you would never have the dollar menu in McDonald's. haha

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