
If Russia takes over Georgia what will happen???

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If Russia seizes the country of Georgia, what do you think will happen? Will Ukraine or countries of the UN, fight Russia???




  1. Ukraine has large russian population living in Crimea (where navy base Sevastopol is situated) and in the eastern part of the state.

    If Ukraine will block russian fleet (btw how can they do it?), a civil war is more probable, then war between Ukraine and Russia

  2. Figuratively speaking it's the Russian backyard, so I don't suppose any sane political leader will involve his country in such a conflict, we mustn't forget Russia is still a mighty oponent for any country in the world...I suppose there will be lots of rhetoric and very little action taken...Russians will ultimately protect their interests and achieve their goals, I have no doubt about it !

  3. Probably Bush will prepare for war with Russia. So prepare yourselves for a mandatory military draft.

  4. I believe that Bush will ask that NATO immediately includes the Ukraine in its membership.  This is exactly what Russia does not want.

    I do not feel that we will go to war over this matter but the US will seek strict sanctions of Russia.  Putin is a former KGB b*****d who is also a Communist.  He is set on restoring Russia to where it was before it fell apart.  Russia has been getting money from oil revenues and by selling armament. The USA has been weakened by the Iraq situation and by a faltering economy.  This is exactly what Putin has been waiting for and he has made his first move.  He made believe that he is the friend of the US.  B.S.  He is the friend of Communism and what it stands for.  He also wants to restore Russia to her past power. We are in for it.

  5. Hope it never hapens, it can have coupla options -

    1. smth like ww3 - most of the countries against Russia

    2. if Russia takes over Georgia he will go on and take other countries step by step and regain its power

  6. the Ukraine wont be able to stop Russia  and they can threaten all they want although the Ukraine has a bigger militray than georgia they still dnt stand a chance ... if georgia is taken over not much will happen except maybe complaints from the  bla bla just like the appeasement of hitler before ww2 threatening and complaining but not acting  

  7. WW3

  8. Some other countries in the region are bound to join soon enough. Ukraine has threatened to do so(which has a nice portion of the former Soviet military in it).

    I doubt any  "big" countries will help, like the US, or any major members of the EU.  

  9. Most likely, A chain of events will happen. Attack one country a whole bunch responds and allies come to help, etc etc then something big goes down.

  10. Ukraine has no technical capabilities to block Russian fleet from its base in Sevastopol'. Ukrainian officials confirm that.

  11. Ukraine is already getting into it, they said if Russia's ships try to return to crimea then they can and most likely will block them, which would probably cause a war at sea.

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