
If Russia were to build a missile defence system on the North Sea Coast of Europe and pointed their.........?

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....... missiles West as a way of preventing rouge states from attacking them, would you be happy for them to do this ?




  1. in which country would they do that?

  2. No, and I can fully understand why they're not happy with US attempts to build missile 'shield' stations in eastern Europe.

    Difference is, no country anywhere near the North Sea is a Russian military ally. They'd have precisely nowhere to build it.

    Oh, and the word you are looking for is rogue. Rouge, as any Frenchman would tell you, is red.

  3. I would love to see Russia put a missile base in the Gaza strip then the Israelis would know what real rockets feel like

    I bet they would lift that blockade quicker than you could say


  4. What's a 'rouge' state?

  5. them russkys can point there weapons at me any time im game for a good pillow bitin ride

  6. Are you happy that USA have thousands of nuclear bombs which enable them to be a rouge state and a bully, are you happy that India, Pakistan, Israel and Korea have nuclear bombs, were you happy that UK and USA invaded Iraq and are now stealing their citizens oil?

    In other words, forget what Russia may or may nor do, concentrate on what is actually happening and what the current situation is.

  7. Tell me one threat to Russia and i would be happy the problem with Russia is paranoia and new found greed they don't help in the mix.

    They veto everything in th security council unless it suits they're need hardly a pro active member of the international community.

  8. Ermm, they did this back in the 1960s and still maintain regular patrols by Nuclear armed submarines and Nuclear armed aircraft to this day.

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