
If Sadam H. had a machine to produce hydrogen on a semi trailer, why is it taking so long to have stations?

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we are supposed to have hydrogen stations all over the US within 10 years, and with this device we don't need any infrastructure, so why don't we already have these everywhere?




  1. Hydrogen is a joke. It takes 2 times the total energy to produce it than you get out of a fuel cell. and over 4 times if its used in a combustion engine. This taking into account losses in efficiency along the way.

    Instead why not electric cars and blanket the country with micro turbine wind generators which are bird safe and thin film photovoltaic as well as micro-hydroelectric plants.

    Also Saddam's hydrogen if he actually had it came steam reforming of methane gas CH4 which has one of the strongest molecular bonds and requires an enormous amount of energy and produces CO2 as a byproduct

  2. What´s the point if you need oil, natural gas or electricity to produce hydrogen?

    Hydrogen has to be produced and is not a source of primary energy.

  3. the answer is simple but distasteful, it's our own government.


    this isnt another conspearacy theory.

    we have several electric car and truck manufacturers in canada who cant get licensing in canada to sell in canada.

    our government is so hooked on oil they refuse to see any other alternatives.

  4. Chicken or the egg scenario.  Why would a gas station install a hydrogen pump if there are no cars to use it.  Conversely, why would people buy fuel cell cars, if there are no stations to buy the fuel from.  

    Something's gotta give here.  I think the government has to take the initiative here.  Create grant programs to install hydrogen pumps at stations in a specific city.  Concurrently, give tax breaks or subsidies to auto companies for production of viable fuel cell cars.  Typical capitalistic mechanisms won't work here.

  5. We make H2 every day it has been used in industry and other processes for many years. The problem is it is way to expensive and dangerous to handle. It also takes a lot of energy to make, so is not yet a very desirable fuel in terms of cost and pollution. If we had all Nuclear power to make the fuel, then it would not pollute so much.

    It would be easy to make your trailer, but why?

  6. Who said he had such a machine? I dispute that statement.

    Who said we are "supposed to" have hydrogen stations all over the US within 10 years? I dispute that statement.

    Any machine that makes hydrogen would need fuel to operate, and the amount of hydrogen made would be less than the amount of fuel used to make it. So just save the trouble and use the fuel in your car instead of in the hydrogen making machine.

  7. You can make H2 in a teacup, why do you need a trailer?

    Go to the US DOE EERE Hydrogen, Fuel Cell and Infrastructure Project website and learn what is necessary to make it happen.

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