
If Saddam Hussien's henchmen threw you into an acid bath or off a building or tied you to a metal spring matr?

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ess attached to a power outlet, how long would you blame America for everything wrong in the world?




  1. No I would be cursing the British Government .... we never do  rescue our own  

  2. Not long because I'd proabley be dead lol.

  3. That depends.  Were they leftover chemicals that the US sold to Iraq during Iraq's war against Iran (When we STRONGLY supported Hussein)?

    A question to you:  Would you blame the US if one morning American planes dropped bombs on your village, killing your wife and child?

  4. winners are often condemned as being the bad guys.If we kept what we killed, then that would be bad, but we always help after the worse is over.Guttbaum doesn't know many americans or he would see that we are a good natured people.

  5. No, I would be dead before I had time to blame anybody.

    Another problem with  your hypothetical is that the US HAS tortured people, it can no longer claim the moral high ground.

  6. USA is a bad place filled with evil people.

  7. Yeah because America supported and supplied the guy officially in his war against Iran.  If he had stayed America's good little puppet and not invaded Kuwait, he'd be America's staunch ally in the war on terror, we'd have forward bases in Iraq in our war on Iran, and Saddam would still have free reign to torture, maim and kill his own people all he wanted.

  8. Get over yourself.  You know d**n well you don't give a hoot about Iraqis.  I see cons constantly contradict themselves by howling about ragheads and then talking about the "poor" Iraqi people.  The same sort of intellectual myopia that gave Bush two terms when he wasn't even a true conservative.  There are plenty of tyrants doing things in the world, but you don't see the US doing anything about them, do you?  Drop the charade.  

  9. Your wasting your breath.  Many people here in America take our freedoms and liberties for granted and have a hard time comprehending what having to suffer under a maniacal dictator would be like.  What I don't understand, is why so many liberals advocate sending so much aid over seas, if they are not also willing to advocate the liberation of those same people.  It's like arguing that we should give medical treatment to an inmate who has been beaten by a guard, but at the same time arguing that the same guard should be left to watch over that prisoner in the future.  


    I have no problem with you using my words.  Hopefully, they will help wake up some people to the truth.

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