
If Sarah Palin can't even be a responsible mother...?

by Guest56947  |  earlier

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how could any sane person trust her with a country?




  1. That's an interesting point of view.  It probably has to do with the fact that she has abandoned being a mother by sacrificing them to her political god as mayor, governor and now VP.  It is hypocritical of the religious conservatives to support someone who isn't a good example of family values.  Perhaps she could have spent more time with her children and less being a civil servant.

  2. Governor Palin is only responsible for her daughter being pregnant if Governor Palin herself is the father.  Since that is a biological impossibility, I'd say it's the sane people who would trust her with the country.

  3. responsible mothers are not superwoman.You can try to en stile the best values possible but it doesn't mean they are going to lesson or not the best intentions go to far

  4. And how is she not a responsible mother?  What encourages you to judge her in this way?  

  5. so if your 17 year old daughter becomes pregnant, you're an irresponsible mother?  

  6. Just in one day I've seen so many Obama supporters judge Palin with no proof to back up their statements. Do you live with her to know?

  7. You think because her child is pregnant, that makes Palin irresponsible?

    Bristol's pregnancy has NOTHING to do with Sarah and her job as a politician.

    Sarah isn't pregnant nor is she fathering a child, her responsibility is to comfort and help her child through this process, which she is doing.

    If anything, she is being extremely responsible.

    You're basically saying, that because kids have s*x the parents aren't being responsible because they didn't put a pad lock on their childs' under garments.

    If anyone was irresponsible it would be Bristol, not Sarah.

    Have some common sense.

  8. She got pregnant one year before she's legal.  Big deal.

    And btw, you insult a large portion of the Dem base when you say that.  See (third statistic under "Pregnancy")

  9. ADD-ON:

    LOL!  So you're saying that a responsible mother would use armed guards to force her to stay in the house?  THAT'S DEMOCRATIC thinking for ya.

    Please be specific:  What did she do that was irresponsible?

  10. She IS being responsible by supporting her daughter instead of forcing her to get an abortion like so many liberal parents do. By the way, Palins daughter and the father are getting married, so no need to try and diss that and spread lies like your comment.

  11. I can't.

    I'll vote BOB BARR for sure now.

  12. OK brain, just what kind of rumor are we starting now, and why?

    Of course like all of the lying Dems, you heard this c**p from a reliable but un-named source, who's identity you cannot divulge.

      She must really have you jerks worried.

    Ok, now I see what you are talking about with the added bullcrap.

    So her 17 year old daughter got herself pregnant, so what?

      I have no idea if you  have kids or not, but regardless, a parent does not follow their children around day and night at that age, you as a parent try to teach your children right from wrong and how best to avoid trouble and accidents, but then it's up to them to either take your advise, or go it on their own.

      You cannot fault the parent for every thing a child does, if that be the case then every criminal in jail should have their parents sitting there along with them for not teaching them correctly.

      I'm glad she is the candidate instead of you, because you show no signs of common sense whatsoever!

  13. im sorry but your coming off as a moron ... how can you possibly blame the mother  for the sins of the daughter.?...what about hte bush twins do we blame the momma and daddy..i think your making a mountain out of a mole hill my friend

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