
If Sarah Palin could travel back in time 6 months, would she take her daughter to Planned Parenthood?

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If Sarah Palin could travel back in time 6 months, would she take her daughter to Planned Parenthood?




  1. nope. she believes in not murdering babies.  i doubt any public sneering would change her stance.

  2. No, she's not a democrat or liberal.  She'd never do that.  She's not stupid.

  3. Probably not.  I;m sure she didn't know her teenage daughter was having s*x.  Most parents that know such things, would take precautions.

    In her case, her daughter shouldn't be a disgrace to her as a parent, just her views and beliefs.  She is too much of a conservative to have an image portrayed of her as having a teenage gather that doesn't share her conservative views.

  4. No. Sarah Palin is pro-life. She doesn't believe in killing babies before they're born.

  5. Why. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill. The more abortions they perform the more money they make.  

  6. No. the circumstances in which the baby was conceived to not change the fact that it is a human being.

  7. No.  She is consistent with her beliefs, not matter how injurious they are to her family and others.

  8. I love how the politics section is filled with only these important, relevent questions.

  9. doubtful, because to people like palin, birth control is a form of abortion because of how it works to stop the egg from implanting in the uterus.

    she will work with mccain to over turn roe v wade, then each state will be responsible for their own law regarding abortion.  palin wanted it to be illegal in alaska.

  10. I hope so.

    Birth control is something that obviously she needed.

    Apparently abstinence doesn't.

    Parents are people too, always learning, maybe she will re -think the birth control thing and make a better choice about where she stands on it.

  11. Who knows. But her daughter could have gone herself. They're confidential. She may be a minor, but she's a big girl who chose to do big girl things. It was up to her, too. I'm sure her mom didn't shield Bristol's eyes and cover her ears whenever something about birth control came up. I'm assuming you're talking about birth control, not abortion since you said 6 months and she's 5 months along.

  12. It doesn't matter if she would have taken her daughter to Planned Parenthood...she still could have gotten pregnant. I think this shows that she is human just like the rest of the world.  Who's to say that any birth control would have helped?  Kids are going to do what they want no matter what their parents tell them not to or to make sure they are protected.  I was a kid once and did what I want and kids these days are not any different.  I think this is something she talked over with her family and also new when this came out it would create a lot of press but her and her family were willing to do it.  

  13. No, she's not a murderer.  She wouldn't be party to killing her grandbaby just because that baby is not convenient.

  14. Maybe she could have taught her abstinence...practice what you preach Palin!

  15. nope she is a pro-lifer.

  16. No. She is a stauch Christian and pro-life.

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