
If Sarah Palin got the 3am call would it take her until 6am to put on all that make up?

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  1. who cares

  2. No, because the 3 am call would be another "Do you know where your daughter is?", and she'd just send her husband to go collect the girl.

  3. hilarious, that's funny.  

  4.   She's a VP first of all.   Second I'd still rather have her answer than Obama, since he would probably send a retaliatory response to one of the "OTHER" 57 States......and he did that WIDE AWAKE.

  5. that banging against her daughters bedroom wall keeps her up anyway,

  6. What call would the VP be getting at 3am?  They would be calling McCain.

  7. No, actually, since she's an adult (unlike Democrats), she knows priorities.  She'd deal with the situation without even once thinking about makeup.

    The Dems are desperate!  :D

  8. Male politicians wear just as much makeup. Did you forget Al Gore? have you not noticed Obama's lipstick (a little too much at times!!) and makeup??? I'm sure it takes longer for the guys to get their make up done since as a woman i can do mine blindfolded in a few minutes.

  9. That is a low blow.

    If she got the 3 am call, she would give a political speach and then spend 3 hours on a plane before making a decision. At least that's what she claims that she did when her water broke.

  10. This is a relavant question. After McCain dies and if they are elected and there was a 3am call, I think Palin would get her make-up on, feed and take the kids to school, tend to autism and grandbaby, go do her sportscast (whick is hilarious) and get her ansering service to answer.  What if she does phone s*x also and got the calls mixed up?

    LOL  I can say anything followed by LOL

  11. She is very attractive, isn't she?  I don't think she needs makeup really.  

  12. Look closer at her.  She's gorgeous without it.

  13. you're ruining Yahoo Answers with all these lame cheap shots. This is supposed to be a place to share knowledge, not immature jokes.

  14. it might take her longer.

  15. no, but then I am assuming you did not count the time it would take for Palin to first call Cindy McCain to find out what she was wearing that day.

  16. snore.  

  17. Now the libs are asking questions about the vice president to be's makeup. This must have taken you all day to think this one up. Get a life.

  18. I think she wil just put on dark oversized sunglasses instead of of all the makeup!

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