
If Sarah Palin is so strong willed and an advocate for abstinence, why did her own daughter rebel?

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If Sarah Palin is so strong willed and an advocate for abstinence, why did her own daughter rebel?




  1. Yours is a good question.

    I don't suppose she got pregnant the first time they had s*x.

    Or perhaps she did as she wasn't taught how to prevent pregnancy (or disease for that matter) rather she was told "don't do IT"

    but she did and now is the poster child for 17 year olds

    Mom after all has stated she is "proud to be a grandma" so her daughter has done a good thing!

    Anyway, when is the wedding?

  2. i am assuming that you do not have children or that they are nt teens.  if you are young, do you do everything that your parent's tell you? i would bet that you don't.  

    teens have a mind and will of their own, rebellion is a part of being a teen and they also fall victim to peer pressure.  Bristol and this young man dated for almost a year and plan to marry.

    this is a situation that many families have or will face, as i did, as a Parent, you do  the best you can and love and support your child.  Palin has done this and that speaks to her values.

  3. Any parent worth their salt teaches morality, sets boundaries and leads by example.  You must realize that responsible parents rarely have kids stupid enough to get pregnant (STDs, AIDs, etc. forthcoming) in the manner that Palin's daughter did.

    My guess is that Caribou Barbie is too narcissistic and ambitious to take the time to talk to her kids in any meaningful way. Most working women DO take the time, and DON'T have kids that get knocked up.

  4. Because she didn't raise her daughter the way she runs government female issues. Most political mothers who have children with wealth don't get pregnant. She's not in the trailer park or the ghetto. She had the resources and didn't use them. Now her daughter is forced to get married. Something's wrong with that. Any woman who can't run her personal life don't need to run the country. I could see one bad thing happening from decisions she's made, but Palin has too many. Yes. How she runs her family does reflect how she runs the country. If this was Obama's child, they would run it in the ground. I guess its ok to probe Obama's personal life and not Palins. Hypocrisy is not bliss.

  5. because she's too busy legislating the sexuality of others, that she can't keep her own daughter chaste.


    the whole "abstinence -only indoctrination" is about control; and is social dogma, cloaked as education.


    bristol did what many teens do and the whole abstinence thing doesn't work..


    she's (palin) is a fundie windbag.

    PS. NO BODY IS ATTACKING HER DAUGHTER!  those of us who are able to interpret the blatent hypocracy in palin's legislative decisions (eg. legislating what other parents' kid learn while she can't keep her own daughter from contributing to the same "social ills" that she purports her policies prevent--teen pregnancy) are attacking PALIN, not her daughter.

    ok, smaller words..

    she shouldn't  tell other what their kids should learn, when her own kid doesn't listen.

    personally, i don't think teen pregnancy is as bad as society makes it out to be.  i guess s. palin agrees with me.

  6. This isn't about rebellion, it is about stupidity and low self-esteem.  

    This also PROVES that abstinence does not work unless the parents are closely involved with their children's private lives.  

    Besides unwanted babies, haven't any of these people heard of STDs?!

    Additionally, trashy behavior crosses all political, ethnic and socioeconomic lines - it doesn't matter if it is a politician's child or a TV star or a black girl from the 'hood or a white girl from the 'burbs.  Like mother, like daughter.  Mommy was and is evidently wild, so is the daughter - children learn what they live.

    (Remarkable that she was in a hurry to get pregnant, but in no hurry to get married.)

  7. Let see coming from the party that thinks sexual harassment in the work place is OK if you are Pro-Choice.

    To send their wife out to lie to the country about their affair.

    Obama put this off limits.

    Unwed mother makes someone unfit than you better call for Obama to resign now.

    Has a long way to go to make comments about any one's personal life.

    She is standing by her daughter through this and not having her grandchild become hamburger tells me more how she is walking the walk not talking the talk.

    Kids make mistakes that is life and will rebel against their parents.

  8. As a parent myself, you do everything you can to help your children and teach them what is right and wrong.  It is not the parents fault when a child makes a mistake, its that childs!  The child like most children have a mind of their own and will take in what they want when they want.

    For example I have always been told and know this to be true -  The preachers kids are the worst kids on the block!  Why you ask?  Because of them being put in the spot light of always having to be perfect.  We are human and no human is perfect!

    All teenagers rebel and the only thing a parent can do is pray that they picked up some of the wisdom you tried to instow unto them, however some times there are individuals who don't learn until they make a mistake.

    Then again, maybe Palin's daughter knew what she was getting into and made the choice to go with her decision and take that responsibility.

    I do admire Palin for standing behind her daughter and accepting the situation.  Most individuals would of made their daughters have an abortion or kick them out on the street.  This goes to show you the true character that Palin has.  She is a true parent, she loves her family no matter what mistakes they make and moves forward to improve the situation.  To me that is a fighter, not one to give up or act in hopelessness.

  9. Having s*x at a young age is not rebelling... it's normal...

    and it's not the parents fault she had s*x, it's there fault they didn't talk to her about safe s*x...

    and it doesn't make Bristol a w***e or s**t... it's normal... and 70% of the free world has s*x by age 17...

    parent just need to talk to there kids...

    and give there kids condoms and birth control by age 15,

    actually i'm gonna give that to my kids when they are 13...

  10. Because if your parent has a very strong stance, that's when teens most like to act strongly. It's no fun to rebel against a moderate.

    I'm pro-choice and pro-Obama and I think this question is silly.

  11. In case you havent noticed you can tell a child what you expect and value from them all you want but they are going to do what they want.

    Must I also point out that instead of going to the smushmortion clinic she is taking responsibility for her actions and actually having the baby...


  12. 17 year-olds have a mind of their own

    I know you guys discourage independent thinking

    There are MANY pregnant teenagers in this country, and I'm pretty sure that most of their parents have told them NOT to get pregnant

    Bristol was taught s*x education in public school, too...How well did that work out?

    Every person over the age of 13 knows that having s*x can make you pregnant

    Why do liberals feel they NEED to have access to abortions, if they are so much better at NOT getting pregnant?

    I guess whatever YOUR beliefs are, they aren't keeping teenagers from getting pregnant either

    Yes, Sarah believes in abstinance, but she is also PRO-CONTRACEPTIVE

  13. I pray to God that you have never in your life made a mistake or a bad choice. You people make me sick. Attacking her for something a 17 year old did is crude to say the least. I know I'll get alot of thumbs down but you people need to grow up. I guess you can't find anything else on Palin herself or it would have already been in here. Obama doesn't want anyone attacking his wife, but she's fair game. Just as Palin's husband is, and Cindy McCain, but 17 year old no way. I hope they find something on Obama's daughters then you will understand it's not right.  

  14. I personally got pregnant before marriage and I can guarantee it wasn't because of my parents.  It happened because I thought I was in love and the father of my child knew he was in lust!  I was ignorant and was sure my parents had never been teenagers.  Boy did I learn the hard way and fast. With the guidance of our parents I ended up with 3 kids from that same dad, married 28 years and 2 of my kids graduated college with more than one degree and the kids paid for college themselves!  All is not lost with virginity.  It just makes it tougher.

  15. I want to know how people who consider abstinence to be the ONLY valid method of birth control (a large plurality of Republicans) can think (well, I could end it there) that it's a *good thing* that the Vice Presidential nominee's daughter is unwed and pregnant.  Is hypocrisy a new sacrament?

  16. Are Sarah Palin and her daughter the same person?  Did you always do EVERY single thing your parents told you to do?  Did you ever not obey them even once?  Have your children (if you have any) ever done anything you told them not to?  Then how is Gov. Palin supposed to control every action her daughter takes when she is away from her on a date?  

  17. Because she is a teenager! Everyone has a choice, people can't make it for you, she just made a bad one. If Palin did all she could to bring her up right, her daughter still has a choices that she has to make in life.  

  18. Because kids will do what they want and sometimes will make mistakes. Palin's daughter has corrected thoses mistakes with her decision to keep the baby and marry the father.

  19. She didn't rebel, she just decided to start a family.  Whats all the ranting about.   Just because she is not waiting to have a baby until she is 35 like most Americans these days -so what!   She probably wants a big family.    Obama's mother was 17 when she got pregnant.

  20. How dare you! That is what teenagers do. When you were a teenager did you do everything that your parents approved of? I certainly did not.

    The sins of the child shal be blaimed on the parent. Why is it okay for Barack Obama to bring his children to a church that preaches hate against whites and America, yet Sarah Palin's teenage daughter gets pregnant and Sarah Palin is the bad parent. I guess Sarah Palin was in the room with Bristol when the child was conceived too.

  21. Did you do everything your parents told you to do when you were growing up?  She did it because she's a teenager.  Are you trying to say that all teens (besides this one) that got pregnant did so because their parents told them to do it?  Kids will always think their parents are full of sh*t and they don't understand them and walk around thinking they'll be the exception.

  22. Do you have any daughters? Do you know what they are doing every single minute?

    Parents just do the best they can by making their viewpoints clear. Children have minds of their own.

    Did you do everything that your parents expected? I know I didn't and I know that my children didn't. And they still don't.

  23. When mommy is jetting and helicoptering all over the wilderness, she can't possibly know what her daughter is doing ! It's akin to the welfare mom who goes clubbing every night, she can't know her lil son Ray-Ray is selling crack and robbing liquor stores if she's out shaking her groove thing !

    Obviously Mr. Palin didn't know either ! Didn't the Palins themselves elope ? Hmmmm !

    Where's Newt Gingrich when you need him ?

    It's time for another "Contract With America" ?

    James Carville tore into Palin ! I bet him and his wife Mary Matalin are having a good ol drag out bar room brawl with this one !

  24. Because to think that teenagers are really going to remain abstinent is asinine.

    Palin never taught her daughter how to protect herself, so Palin only has herself to blame.

  25. Because she's a negligent, incompetent mother.

  26. Did you ever go against something your parents taught you?  We all have.  

    As parents, the best we can do is to try to teach our children the morals we want them to have.  Kids don't always listen.  That's nature.  You can tell a child all day long to not touch the stove because it is hot.  However, one day, that child is going to touch the stove and get burned.  That's the way it is.

    But I'm sure Palin also taught her daughter to take responsibility for her actions.  She probably also tried to teach her that abortion is wrong.  So Bristol is pregnant.  And she is taking responsibility and is going to be a parent.  So obviously many other lessons took.

    Besides, Palin is not running for Mommy of the United States.  We don't have such a position; we are not (yet) a nanny-state.  She is running for Vice President.  Look at her executive experience and results.  

  27. seriously. why do you b******s pay attention to these peoples personal lives?   because that palin ***** sucks. thats why. and youre looking for every and any reason to flip out and think badly of her.

    I personally do not care one bit.  I just think youre all idiots.

  28. I guess palin should of locked her in the house. You cant stop people from having s*x. Her daughter must feel very bad about all the problems she caused her mom. I bet she is crying about:(

    Why do they always pick on the women instead of the guy who got her pregnant?  

  29. How about she made her own decision?  It's called free will.  

    Of course, you probably like the idea of Obama dragging her daughter to the abortion clinic...punish the child, but "...don't punish his daughter with a child!"

    Does you parents know you posted this question, LOL!

  30. These people are opportunistic illiterates.

    Even the natural pro-life Alaska moose will not make downs syndrome baby at risky age.

    Thanks to God they cannot teach the moose this their selfish religious doctrine.

    What will happen if every 17 yrs decide to have babies and every 44 yrs decide to have downs syndrome babies?

  31. Because she is a teenager with hormones!!!! Hello! I guess all of the parents who's daughters ever got pregnant before marriage are disgraceful, incompetent parents and lousy humans? Or is it only Sarah Palin?

    By the way, Why don't some of you stop spreading the lie that she is "against s*x education"? She is against OTHER PEOPLE doing the educating for you. That doesn't mean she doesn't educate her own children. Come on!!!!

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