
If Sarah Palin is such a bad choice for VP? Why are dems and liberals so angry?

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*scratches head* seems to me, they should be quiet happy He made such a poor choice




  1. Please answer this question instead: Would the governor of alaska have been chosen to be the VP candidate if she were a man?

    If you answer 'no', then her selection was based on gender which is sexist and disgraceful.

    If you answer 'yes' then one must seriously question how this is the most qualified person for the position, ahead of governor charlie crist of florida or former governor mitt romney...

  2. I think they just can't admit to themselves that a strong, accomplished women can be anything other than liberal.  

    They are so surprised with the choice that they didn't have time to rate up any muck that makes any sense.

    One can only get a big laugh out of their declaration that she is a bad mom and should stay at home baking cookies.  

  3. She's not a bad choice, she's a good choice.  The democrats are just befuddled.......grasping at straws.

  4. It doesn't.  The hypocrisy and trashiness is what angers and disgusts me.

  5. They are not.

    The only anger I see is directed at the media for reporting news.

    This is being done by phony conservatives.

    Gov Palin's daughter may be angry though, at being used for political gain by The GOP.

  6. We are bewildered why she sincerely expects shelter from media scrutiny when the public policy of abstinence only which she has previously gone on record supporting does not work, even for  her own family. If it were another person's kid--including another candidate--she would be among those yelling about a 'lack of morals' in the country.  

    We are frustrated that out of all the women elected officials from within his party whom McCain could have picked in 2008, he picked a 'joke' candidate.McCain has so little respect for women that he figured we would just vote GOP merely because of the gender.  

  7. I am not angry. As you suggest, I am happy as the day is long in the middle of the summertime at the North Pole.

  8. The Entire planet is laughing at your party, and you have deluded yourself into thinking that we are mad because the Republican brand is broken.

    Republicans are truly a piece of work.

  9. We're not angry.  We're laughing.  

    The media is angry because they were left out and didn't know about her being considered until McCain made the announcement.  The actual voting public is totally different than the media.

  10. They know she has enhanced the ticket.

  11. I could not be happier. Sara "falin" Palin will go down in the history books a the gift that kept on giving to the Democrats. Thank You, And the soon to be President Elect Obama thanks you too.

  12. They are not angry; they are justifiably questioning her qualifications to  be VP to a president that is 72 years old and that has a history of cancer.  Challenging the other parties qualifications does not equal anger.

  13. Nice avatar (if you're an inbred, trailer-trash bigot). C'mon now. Report me.

    I'm thrilled personally by the selection of Sarah Quaylin. I just think it's too bad that Eva Braun and Leni Riefenstahl weren't available to add some real goose-stepping to the Grand Oil Party.

  14. I'm a non-partisan, proud, American business woman - so I needed some convincing from McCain and Obama. However, with Palin as the VP choice, I'm actually upset and sickened by McCain.

    Honestly, there are plenty of idiots in our country who will see this unqualified, "hockey" mom (who doesn't seem to care much about family - feminists whatever - I'm being realistic) as an inspiration, and may actually vote for McCain.

    It's demeaning to me that this woman (if by chance McCain wins) would be the mark of the first woman in power in the White House. Hillary may be a c*nt, but at least she is a qualified c*nt - I didn't vote for her either!

    Oh, by the way... here's something to think about...

    According to the 2006 Census:

    Population of the entire STATE of ALASKA:  670,053

    Population of the CITY of LOS ANGELES: 3,849,378

    I don't know how a "hockey mom" who governed a state equivalent of Los Angeles' f**t would do.

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