
If Sarah Palin is such a pitbull, how did Levi Johnston get by her to get her teenaged daughter pregnant twice?

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Lack of supervision, hm?




  1. Pregnant twice? Are you sure about that one?

    Please, grow up. Leave the Palin family out of it.

  2. Because she was off shooting moose instead of attending to her family.

  3. Haha I'll say....Though i think they are going to get some sympathy votes there. Claiming its being sexist and all talking about her as a bad mother...Still...I thought family matters would go for both male AND female...If Obama had a bad family life the other side would call him for it.  

  4. Maybe he put a sedative in the steak he used to lull the pitpull, lol

  5. according to recent news stories... she was too busy with her husband's business partner.

    Party of family values!!!

  6. Must have been a lot of faith in her abstinence only position.

  7. Twice?  Another inappropriate question.  Where is this coming from anyway?

  8. Oh, I guess she should have been by her almost-adult daughter's side all the time.  Along with her other kids and husband.  And managing her career.


  9. shes only been pregnant ONCE

    do your research

    if anyone remembers their teenage years then theyll know that they did the exact OPPOSITE of whatever their parents told them to do

    dont criticize her for that, shes just like all of the other pregnant teenagers

    not one bit different

    if her mother werent the VP pick i doubt anyone wouldve cared if the alaskans governers daughter was pregnant

  10. If biden is such a good day why are two of his kids under investigation for fraud? Lack of supervision I guess. They were raised by servants, Palin fired her servant and took care of her own kids.

    Why doesnt the media attack his kids?

  11. shoot they double-teamed that dude.

  12. Apparently you haven't had children or at least no teenagers.

    You can't be with them all the time and where's there's a will there's a way!

  13. He has a really long s*x organ.

  14. She's only been pregnant once, you idiot.  And what does her daughter getting pregnant have to do with anything?  A parent can't watch their children 24/7.  And regardless of what you try to teach your children, they have their own minds and their own free will.  If they really want to do something, they'll find a way to do it.  The only thing you can do is to stand by them and help them through it.

  15. That's because pit bulls are innocent, sweet, and caring. She's more of a sneaky snake.

  16. now that is funny. or did he get them both pregnant?

  17. What makes you think it was Levi both times?

  18. Last time I checked, when you're getting someone pregnant there usually isn't anyone standing in your way....unless you expect Palin to be hiding in the closet???

  19. lol.

    obama/biden 08

  20. tell us where you get twice or we wont believe just cause you say it dont make it fact! Please get a real life and leave her kids alone. I bet your family is perfect no cousin that took drugs or aunt who had a baby too soon ibet no one has ever divorced in your family or drank a beer. you guys sit down every night for a candle lite bible reading before going off to bed. long dresses and long hair. your so perfect you get to cast that first stone at her daughter dont you?  


  21. Good point.

  22. Lol, this is a really funny. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, or Republican, this is a GOOD joke.

  23. I'd think that even an Obama supporter would have a sufficient number of brain cells to realize that Ms Palin cannot keep a 24/7 watch on her daughter, apparently, I was wrong.  And btw, it was ONCE

    McPalin 08

  24. Wow, you are such a moron it's not even funny -_-

    You have NO idea what you are talking about.

    Educate yourself before you start bashing politicians.

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